From the passage we know that______.
The first sentence in the passage tells us that________.
Shakespeare said that" some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. "So it is with leadership. Some men are born with capacity for leadership. Some acquire that art by watching and studying the actions of those around them. Other persons find themselves thrown into unusual situations which require them to draw on resources they never realized they had, and events bring out marked leadership. Most of us are never put to such tests. Most of us are not born leaders.
Q: At the beginning of the passage, Shakespeare's words are quoted
A***to make readers appreciate the writer's style
B***to show the writer's appreciation of Shakespeare's ideas
C*** to stress the importance of good leadership
D***to help describe different kinds of leaders
“so it is”意思是“也一樣”,看出這裡是類比關係,表明莎士比亞的話同樣適用對領導才能的描述。莎翁提到3種不同的人,那麼領導人也有至少3種類型,由此可知,作者引述這句話的目的在於描繪不同型別的領導,故正確選項是D***。
From the passage we know that______.
The first sentence in the passage tells us that________.
Shakespeare said that" some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. "So it is with leadership. Some men are born with capacity for leadership. Some acquire that art by watching and studying the actions of those around them. Other persons find themselves thrown into unusual situations which require them to draw on resources they never realized they had, and events bring out marked leadership. Most of us are never put to such tests. Most of us are not born leaders.
A***to make readers appreciate the writer's style
B***to show the writer's appreciation of Shakespeare's ideas
C*** to stress the importance of good leadership
D***to help describe different kinds of leaders
“so it is”意思是“也一樣”,看出這裡是類比關係,表明莎士比亞的話同樣適用對領導才能的描述。莎翁提到3種不同的人,那麼領導人也有至少3種類型,由此可知,作者引述這句話的目的在於描繪不同型別的領導,故正確選項是D***。
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