For many of us, the emotions holding the tightest grip on our hearts are disappointment, resentment, blame and anger. They place a stranglehold on our happiness, and the only person who can release them is you.
Here are four steps to help you forgive.
1. Understand why someone acts the way they do. Perhaps the most important tool and first step in forgiveness is to understand "why" someone acts the way they do. Take your parents, for example. It's helpful to go back and objectively look at their early childhood. Imagine what their childhood, parents and home environment was like. What do you know? What have you heard? What can you infer? Do some basic sleuthing to uncover or imagine why a person ***partner, colleague, parent*** may have certain defense mechanisms ***narcissism, defensiveness, aggression, depression, etc.*** or personality traits.
2. Feel and express your emotions. We can't heal what we can't feel. This may mean digging up long-held or buried emotions from the past, your childhood or right now. Our past pain affects ***and in many ways creates*** our current upsets. Until we fully release the emotions held in our bodies, they continue to affect our present mindset -- creating tension in the body-mind and even leading to illness.
3. Rebuild safety. Once you have adequately expressed your emotions, create new boundaries for yourself within the relationship. This may mean you no longer see the person, end the relationship or establish new guidelines.
4. Let go. Fully letting go of a past transgression and completely forgiving may take many months or years. Imagine the process of letting go like a labyrinth or a mandala -- spiraling around and around a center point. You may have a phase of feeling better and then realize that you are still grieving or angry. This is natural. The soul does not heal on linear time. Give yourself space. Be patient. True healing happens on the quantum, spiritual plane. Ask for help. Get quiet, mindful and pray to let go. It will happen.
Good morning. I’ve been thinking about Eva Kor, who was recently interviewed on thisprogramme. Eva Kor is the 81 year old Auschwitz survivor who gave evidence in the trial of 93year old Oscar Groning – he was the SS guard who took and recorded the money of Jewishprisoners as they arrived at the death camp. When Eva had finished giving evidence againsthim she went over to where he was sitting and shook hands with him. He responded by pullingher towards him and kissing her. She said that she had spoken out at the trial to give voice tothe victims and to help the world never to forget what had happened. But she also said, andthis was a surprise, that she had forgiven the Nazis. There’s been much criticism of her forsaying that, with people insisting that forgiveness can only be given where there is genuinerepentance. I can see why. Forgiveness can sound like weakness as though what has beendone doesn’t really matter.
But that isn’t what Eva Kor was saying. Her most startling remark was that to her, forgivenessis the most formidable form of revenge. Forgiving the perpetrators of Auschwitz meant thatthey lost the one thing they once had – their power over her life. The fact that she had forgivenGroning neither prevented her from testifying against him, nor stopped him from takingresponsibility for his own actions. So repentance and justice are part of the picture, but as aresponse to forgiveness not as a condition of it.
What she is insisting on here is that by enacting forgiveness victims can escape from beingtrapped in a cycle of helplessness. She has found the strength to live freely, not defined by thehorrors of her past. I find that astonishing, for not only did she lose the rest of her family tothe gas chambers, she also came near to death herself, she and her twin sister were subject toJoseph Menegele’s medical experiments – and her sister never recovered from what had beendone to her.
I suppose the difficult question is whether this means that forgiveness is ultimatelyindependent of justice? Most of us would find that hard to take. Yet I am always struck when Iread the Gospels how often Jesus forgives people before they show any sign of changing theirways. Of course they usually do repent in response to being forgiven but in theory they couldhave just shrugged it off.
The forgiveness declared by Eva Kor certainly invites repentance and Oscar Groning has alreadyacknowledged his moral guilt. But perhaps the real significance of what she said was toannounce the ultimate impotence of evil. Sin does not have the last word. We can choose tobe free. We need that astonishing confidence in a world which would often tell us otherwise.It is the basis of all our faith and all our hope.
President-elect Donald Trump is back in New York, taking meetings at Trump Tower with formerrivals and long-time allies. This comes a day after he indicated he had worked out agreementsto fill major posts in his administration.
Protestors and police clashed again near construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline.Authorities are defending their use of water hoses on protestors over the weekend during askirmish in below-freezing weather.
Pope Francis is stressing mercy in allowing all priests to absolve the faithful of the grave sinof abortion. In a letter made public Monday, the Pope said he was extending indefinitely thespecial permission he granted during the Holy Year of Mercy, which just ended.
And a group of musicians played music composed by Holocaust victims in the halls of aJerusalem museum. One of the musicians said, the music had been played elsewhere in thepast, but staging it among the different Holocaust displays held a special significance.
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