


  1.***2016·全國,65***My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid1980s, ________ I was the first Western TV reporter.

  2.***2016·全國,閱讀A***Simon is a comedian and actor ________has 10 years experience of teaching comedy.

  3.***2016·全國,閱讀D***Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of ________have never before been published.

  4.***2016·全國,47Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius,________lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C, influenced the development of chopsticks.

  5.***2016·全國,完形***When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant beating out Miller King, ________was the best player at our school.

  .***2016·北京,22***I live next door to a couple________children often make a lot of noise.

  .***2016·四川,閱讀C***I prefer to work in black and white, ________ allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.

  .***2016·四川,閱讀D***Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin***褪黑激素***, ________has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.

  .***2016·四川,短文改錯***The dishes what I cooked were Moms favorite.________

  10.***2016·江蘇,23***Many young people, most of________were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.

  .***2016·浙江,11***Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of ________ has been proved.

  1.***2015·江蘇,21***The number of smokers, ________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

  .***2015·湖南,29***It is a truly delightful place, ________ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.

  .***2015·浙江,19***Creating an atmosphere in ________ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.

  .***2015·重慶,14***He wrote many children's books, nearly half of ________ were published in the 1990s.

  .***2015·四川,3***The books on the desk,________ covers are shiny,are prizes for us.

  .***2015·安徽,28***Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon________school education depends.

  .***2015·福建,34***China Today attracts a worldwide readership,________ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.

  .***2014·安徽,22***The exact year ________ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.

  .***2014·北京,26***I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,________ my classmates recommended to me.

  .***2014·山東,10***A company ________ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

  .***2014·重慶,9***We'll reach the sales targets in a month ________ we set at the beginning of the year.

  .***2014·四川,4***Until now,we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children,________ is quite unexpected.

  .***2014·陝西,13***Please send us all the information ________ you have about the candidate for the position.

  .***2015·北京,24***Opposite is St.Paul's Church, ________ you can hear some lovely music.

  2.***2015·陝西,15***As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time ________he should be able to be independent.

  .***2015·天津,15***The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ________ his employees enjoy their work.

  .***2014·江蘇,22***The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication,especially at work ________ a good impression is a must.

  .***2014·福建,31***Students should involve themselves in community activities ________ they can gain experience for growth.

  .***2014·浙江,5***I didn't become a serious climber until the fifth grade,________ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.

  1.***2016·東北三省四校聯考***Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb.28,________emperors once lived.

  2.***2016·安慶一中模擬***Water rafting,________courage plays an important role, is a breathtaking outdoor sport.

  3.***2016·天水模擬***He worked in a car factory for four years,after________he founded his own company in his hometown.

  4.***2016·福建泉州三月質檢***The stadium is very splendid and attractive in appearance,________may be imagined.

  5.***2016·浙江瑞安八校聯考***Now their talks have reached a key stage ________ one side must give in to the other.

  6.***2016·陝西臨潼華清中學模擬***He wrote a long letter ________ he explained what had happened in the accident.

  7.***2016·廣州六校聯考***We are hoping for support from Mr.Webster,without ______ support we can’t make it.

  8.***2015·衡陽八中一模***Jane paused in front of a counter ________ some attractive ties were on display.

  9.***2015·湖南十三校聯考***He desired to follow that girl,but longed for the woman ________ spirit had truly companioned and supported him.

  10.***2015·陝西咸陽模擬***Maybe you have a habit ________ is driving your family crazy.

  11.***2015·四川綿陽二診***Nicks guests,________ had heard their conversation,asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could.

  12.***2015·福州六校質檢***However there are times ________ urgent things are most important as well,for example,helping a crying baby in the kitchen due to the fire stove.

  13.***2015·吉林一中月考***The people of Chu ________ mourned Qus death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the day of his death.

  14.***2015·烏魯木齊一中Once upon a time there was a rich merchant ________ had 4 wives.

  15.***2015·河南新鄉一中月考***In the following years,there were fewer drop-outs and more college graduates in my village,________ I am proud of even today.

  16.***2015·河北正定中學月考***The lazy boy is expecting a way in ________ he can get through the exams without hard work.

  17.***2015·內蒙古師大附中月考The boss ________ company I worked in two years ago has much experience in solving such kind of problem.

  18.***2015·湖南衡陽八中月考***So I decided to leave home for New York,________I might have a better chance to find a good job.

  19.***2015·河北石家莊二中開學考***Third,we may fall behind others,________ makes us stressed.

  20.***2015·甘肅民樂一中診斷***All of a sudden,her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,________ smile just melted me.

  A組 2016~2014年各省市高考題***改編***

  1.when [由句子結構可以判斷這是一個定語從句,先行詞是表示時間的in the mid-1980s,從句中缺少狀語,因此填寫關係副詞when。]

   comedian and actor,在從句中做主語,所以用who或者that。]

  3.which [考查定語從句。介詞後跟關係代詞,先行詞為images,所以用which。]

  4.who [考查定語從句。後面是非限制性定語從句,先行詞指人,故用who。]

  5.who [考查定語從句。先行詞為Miller King,故用who。]

  .whose [考查定語從句。句意:我住在一對夫婦的隔壁,他們的孩子經常弄出很大的噪音。couple,由句意可知children與couple之間為所屬關係,故用關係代詞whose。]

  .which [考查非限制性定語從句,從句中缺少主語,先行詞是前面的整個句子。]

  .which [考查非限制性定語從句,從句中缺少主語,先行詞是melatonin。]

  .what→which/that或去掉what [考查定語從句,並在從句中作that/which,也可省略。]

  .whom [考查定語從句的用法。句意:很多年輕人前往偏遠地區去Many young people,作介詞of的賓語,故要用whom。]

  .which [考查定語從句。句意:科學家們已經提出許多關於人類為什麼哭泣會流淚的理論,其中沒有一個已被證明的。分析句子成分可知,空處引導定語從句,此處是非限制性定語從句,which代替many theories,故應用 which引導該定語從句。]



  ch [句意:創造一種使員工感到自己是團隊一部分的氛圍是一大挑戰。先行詞為an atmosphere在從句中作地點狀語此處in which相當於where。作介詞賓語不可用that。]


  [考查定語從句。句意:桌上的書是給我們的獎勵那些書的封面閃閃發光。本題考查非限制性定語從句的連線詞先行詞為the books和covers之間是所有關係故用whose。]

  [句意:一些專家認為閱讀是學校教育所依賴的基本技能。 考查定語從句。depend on/upon依靠依賴介詞後只能用which或whom來構成定語從句的引導詞先行詞為物故用which。]


  不填 [考查定語從句。句意:Angela和她的家人一起呆在中國的那一年是2008年。先行詞the exact year在定語從句中作spent的賓語且指物故用which也可用that或省略]

  20.which [考查非限制性定語從句。句意:上個星期我從圖書館借了同學給我推薦的《大偵探福爾摩斯》。先行詞the book在定語從句中作recommend的賓語所以要用關係代詞先行詞是物故用which。]





  [句意St.Paul's Church,從句主謂賓成分完整去掉空後依然是完整的句子可推斷出關係詞在從句中作的是地點狀語故用where。]


  [句意:該公司的老闆試圖創造輕鬆的氛圍這樣他的員工就可以an easy atmosphere,在從句中作地點狀語故要用where。]



  [考查定語從句。句意:直到五年級我才真正會爬樹當時我爬上一棵樹拿下了掛在樹枝上的風箏。後面的定語從句是完整的句子;先行詞為the fifth grade表時間概念所以填when。]

  1.where [考查定語從句。句意:威廉王子在2月28日參觀了紫禁城,皇帝曾在那裡住過。the Forbidden City作先行詞,在定語從句中作地點狀語,故填where。]

  2.where [考查定語從句。句意:激流漂流是一項很刺激的戶外運動,在這個運動上,勇氣是十分重要的。從句中缺少狀語,用where表示模糊的地點概念。]

  3.which [考查非限制性定語從句。句意:他在一家汽車公司裡工作了四年,在那以後,他在他的家鄉建立了他自己的公司。根據句意,可知要用關係代詞which,介詞後跟which。]

  4.as [本題考查的是as引導的非限制性定語從句,此時as指的是整個主句,在從句中擔當主語,意為:正如。句意:正如想象的那樣,體育館從外表上看很壯麗,很吸引人。]

  5.where [考查定語從句。先行詞是stage,從句是完整的句子,先行詞表示模糊的地點概念,在從句中作狀語,故用where引導。]

  6.where [句意:他寫了一封信,在信中他解釋了交通事故中所發生的事情。定語從句中,a long letter是先行詞,從句中意思完整,不缺少成分,所以用關係副詞where,表示在信中。]

  7.whose [考查定語從句的引導詞。句意:我們正尋求韋伯斯特先生的支援,沒有他的支援,我們不能成功。先行詞和support之間是所屬關係,作其定語,所以用whose。]

  8.where [考查限制性定語從句的引導詞。先行詞為a counter,在從句中作地點狀語,故要用關係副詞where。]

  9.whose [考查限制性定語從句的引導詞。先行詞是the woman,定語從句中名詞spirit缺少定語,故要用whose。]


  11.who [考查非限制性定語從句的引導詞。先行詞為Nicks guests,指人,且在從句中作主語,故要用who。非限制性定語從句中不可用that引導。]

  12.when [考查限制性定語從句的引導詞。先行詞為times,在從句中作時間狀語,故用關係副詞when。]

   people of Chu,在從句中作主語,故用who/that。]

   rich merchant,在定語從句中作主語,故答案為who/that。]

  15.which [考查非限制性定語從句。從句中缺少賓語,指代上句內容,故用which。]

  16.which [考查限制性定語從句。那個懶惰的孩子正在期盼有一種能讓他不付出努力就能通過考試的方法。雖然先行詞為way,但前面有介詞in,只能用關係代詞which。]

  17.whose [考查限制性定語從句。兩年前我工作的那個公司的老闆在解決類似這種問題方面很有經驗。先行詞是the boss,company與the boss是所屬關係,故用whose作company的定語。]

  18.where [考查非限制性定語從句。我決定到紐約去,在那裡我可能會有機會找到更好的工作。先行詞是New York,在定語從句中作地點狀語,故where 引導。]

  19.which [考查非限制性定語從句。由前面的句子和逗號判斷此處是非限制性定語從句,從句中缺少主語,而且是指代前面句子內容,所以用which。]

  20.whose [考查非限制性定語從句的引導詞。 先行詞girl在從句中作定語,所以要用whose。]
