


  Unit1 Making New Friends

  Topic 2 Section A


  1.學習am/is/are的疑問句及答語。2.學習主格人稱代詞I, you, he, she.


  ***1***Where are you from? I’m from Canada.

  ***2***Are you from American? No, I’m not.

  ***3***Is she Jane? Yes, she is. ***4***Is he Li Ming? No, he isn’t. 學習重點:Excuse me , Where are you from?

  學習難點:be from ***be 的變化***


  Step 1 複習匯入

  Step2 問題導學

  A 根據漢語提示完成下列句子。

  1.他來自哪裡?Where _______ he _______?

  2.打擾了,你叫什麼名字?Excuse me, _______ _______ _______?

  3.你來自哪裡?_______ _______ you _______ ?

  4.你來自江西嗎?_______ you _______ Jiangxi?

  5.看到你很高興。_______ _______ see you.

  B 將國旗與其所屬國家連線。

  6. the U.S.A. 7. Canada

  8. China 9. Japan 10. England Step 3 呈現

  安排兩名同學扮演外國人,假設互不相識,在對話中匯出新的句型。 S2: Where are you from?

  S3: I’m from Japan

  S4: Oh. Are you from Canada?

  S5: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A.

  Step 4. 鞏固



  Step5 典題訓練


  *** *** 1. — _________ are you from? — I’m from Shanghai.

  A. Who B. Where C. How

  *** *** 2. — Are you from Cuba? — _________

  A. Yes, they are. B. No, I’m not. C. No, they aren’t.

  *** ***3. — _________ he from the U.S.A.? — No, he’s from China.

  A. Are B. Is C. Am

  *** *** 4. — _________ Are you Mr. Wang? — Yes, I am.

  A. Fine. B. OK. C. Excuse me.

  *** ***5. — _________ your name? — My name is Kate.

  A. What’s B. What C. Where

  2.***利用學過的be from片語造句子,看誰說得準確。***

  ***1***Is he from China?

  ***2***Where is she from?




  Excuse me. Are you from ...? No, I’m not.

  Where are you from? I’m from ...

  Is she Jane? Yes, she is. Is he Li Ming? No, he isn’t. 當堂檢測

  1.情景交際。***從方框中選出適當的句子補全對話,有兩項多餘。*** A: Excuse me. Are you Sam? B: Yes, I am. 1

  A: My name is Bob. B: 2 A: Nice to meet you, too. 3

  B: No, I’m not. 4 Where are you from?

  A: I’m from Shanghai. B: 5

  A: Thank you. Bye! B: Bye-bye!

  Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from?



  1、Kangkang's books;Tom and Helen's desk; Ann's and Maria's bikes;

  2、用of表示“......的”,但要從of後往of前翻譯:a book of mine***我的一本書***



  I have a new bike. She has two big eyes.

  a door of the house