I had a busy weekend.I did my homework on Saturday morniing.After lunch,I had a nap.In the afternoon,I visited my gandmother and helped her with the housework.In the evening,I did my homework and then surfed the internet.On Sunday morning,my parents and I went to a park and we had a picnic there at noon.In the afternoon,I washed my clothes and cleaned the room.I read books and then watched TV in the evening.I really had a wonderful we.
Today ,i went to visit my grandma.get there later,i saw my grandma was
sitting alone.she is loney.i feld sad,because i haven't seen her sincei came back.afternoon i sat at home and thinking of my grandma.i can'tbeg myslef.when i get old if i will be loney too,i'm very afraid.i think we shuold share more time with older,they need more love.from now on we i will spend more time taking care of her.i hope everyone canspend more time loving older.
In the way of success,the biggest enemy is not a lack of opportunities,or qualifications shallow,the biggest enemy of success is the lack of control of their emotions.Angry,not anger,partner of the surrounding air,depression,self-indulgent malaise,see many fleeting opportunity wasted.
How to maintain a good mood
In real life,we will meet a lot of luck.But we must keep happy mood,in times of distress,we can provide reliable person to talk or transfer their attention,for to music,watch
TV,and their good friends go shopping.We don't put those unhappy buried in the heart,can cry,give vent to their troubles.In life,we can not sad,it is bad for our health.
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