Winter has come the river with thick ice, people in all kinds of winter clothing, around the scarf, wearing gloves, but also difficult to resist the descent of the cold, cold red face. Less and less people in the street. I also find out from the wardrobe thick clothes, put in the body, and they appear very awkward. Alas, the cold season.
Now I was looking forward to the next with thick snow, so that we can make a snowman and snowball fights. Finally, snow! We came to the snow, the snowball rolling pulling together, look for to two pieces of the size of the black stones do eyes, nose with carrot make it, made with broom arm, again a scarf, a lifelike snowman of it....... We put the snowballs into a snowball, mutual throwing, suing, play together. Ah, this busy season. The sky in addition to see a few foraging sparrows outside, in also see other birds, the small animals such as snakes, frogs, hide in the ground. It goes to sleep, the sky appears very cold.
我現在盼望著能下一場厚厚的雪,這樣我們就可以堆雪人、打雪仗了。終於,下雪了!我們來到雪地上,把滾好了的雪球堆在一起,找來兩塊一樣大小的黑石子做眼睛,用胡蘿蔔做成鼻子,用笤帚做成胳膊,再圍上圍巾,一個惟妙惟肖的雪人就堆好了。我們把雪團成雪球,互相拋擲著,追逐著,一起嬉戲著。啊,這熱鬧的季節。 天空中除了可以見到幾隻覓食的麻雀外,在也見不到別的鳥類,小動物們如蛇、青蛙等,都躲到地底下睡覺去了,天空顯得很冷清。
I open the window to see what happened outside, when I open the window, in a moment, a gust of wind at my face, I couldn't help immediately shut the window, I immediately think of wake up this morning, the window is full of water vapor, a thin layer, covered I looked outside the line of sight of the weather, it was the winter.
The naughty children in winter quietly came to our side, it shout breathed, it blew the autumn cloud nine, he blew the autumn go don't say him, he will put the original crisp fall weather into freezing weather, make we go out all cold, ok I stay at home every day doing my homework.
But for me, not good not bad, in the winter because the weather is not cold, the naughty children will come up with a solution - snow in winter, bring us the original hiding in the woli children go out to play snow, we'll regardless of these naughty children cold go out to play, and play a is 1 ~ 2 hours, especially me, playing snowballs and others is can't stop for a while. Or to make a snowman with some of my best friends.
If it doesn't snow, then my fantasies will be ruined. In short, the snow is determined by heaven this winter, and I'll let it go.
In the morning, I opened the curtain, and there was a heavy snow outside.
On the way to school, snow fell. White flowers, some leisurely and leisurely, seems unwilling to leave the broad sky; There are also straight lines coming down, for fear of being left behind. White snowflakes like little hexagonal umbrellas, some like fine silver needles; There are stars like crystal stars, and silver flowers from the fairies...
The world is wrapped in silver. The house was put on a small white hat. The earth was covered with a silver carpet; The trees are covered with a white down jacket, which reminds one of the beauty of "the spring breeze, the blossom of the pear trees".
The people on the road were wearing thick cotton-padded clothes, cowering their heads, walking slowly and carefully, lest they should slip. Some of the children are still running along the road, chasing and playing. The car also lost its former breeze, slowly crawling like a snail.
The campus has become a white world. In the playground, the students make a snowman happily, and enjoy the snowball fight and enjoy skating. The students chase, play, happy, laughter ripples throughout the campus.
Winter is a cold season, winter is a white world, winter is the happy season of children.
I love this white, bright winter.
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