The dog bobo, appearance looks not good-looking. Friends call him ugly dog, who also refused to play with him, bobo how sad!
One night, bobo alone run to the river, on the water recourse to cry. An old mussels heard his cries, and swim to come over to ask: "puppy, what are you crying?"
Bobo said: "I look ugly, you don't play with me." Say that finish and began to cry.
Old mussels listened, smiled, said: "ah, so don't be sad, let me help you." Said from the mouth spit out a sparkling beads to bobo said: "this is a pearl of magic, as long as you tell her your heart, she will help you achieve."
"She can help me to become a beautiful dog?" ...
Once upon a time there was a small sparrow, one day, by chance, it flew from sheep bar, see the sheep in and out, packed, very lively. Sparrow is curiosity, attracted by the lively, then fell on the observation on a tree near the sheep sheep column. At the same time, a tragedy, a large strong eagle swooped down from the sky, suddenly to off guard, burst into a flock of sheep, suddenly grabbed a newborn lambs, then ascended up and enron.
This sudden, dramatic and sparrow was exciting, sparrow saw all this, first a surprised, and then feel quite interesting, and the inside of the heart envy in goshawk mood, think that the eagle as birds, can grasp beasts fly to heaven, and is too great. Little sparrows inside heart want to, I also want to like the eagle, the eagle can do, I can do it too!
Thought of here, sparrow spread its wings and fly to sky, and then dive down towards the sheep, alight upon a large sheep. It hasn't been established in sheep body, with little bird claw, tried to grab the thick fuzz on a sheep, the sheep caught the sky!
But, instead, his little sparrow grabbed large sheep! Not only that, because this only big sheep sheep on the roll, bar the mud body touch some mud, make wool dirty. Son of phlegm, sparrow PAWS into muddy wool rested, was caught on the wool to, the more it hard struggle, the more be to tight, make it difficult to get away.
Sparrow, has attracted the attention of the shepherd. Just now, he watched a big eagle gave away his beloved little lamb, the in the mind very sad, very hate; Is he is anger, and see little sparrow to imitate the big goshawk, trying to give away his big sheep, which was mad, ran into the sheep indignantly, column, grabbed the sparrow is struggling, unplug it feathers on its wings, legs tied it with a thread, let your children play tearing when he was a little. Children playing tired, and asked the shepherd said:
"Dad, what is this?"
Shepherds with scornful tone, said: "it's a little thieves, it tried to imitate than eagle deprived of its ability, the result is a trap. Take the consequences."
The crow tell the story of the sparrow imitate goshawk, using alert tone to "said the fox.
"Fox ah, you are used to playing with the wrist, full of intrigue. Once again, I want to warn you, I hope you don't blindly imitate gao qiang people than you, so that fire, since the consequences. This is my last advice to you, you better themselves, stick to go home!"
The fox always can not get the trust of the crow, much less close to each other, shaking with anger, fire emit three zhangs.
Raven saw the fox angrily. The appearance of teeth, heard it not. Sad voice of the cry, then asked:
"The fox, you are resourceful, what you met difficult things, now also worried. Crying?"
"Alas!" Fox assumed a helpless sighed, "I thought this world I, even I, am the most intelligent. Most use stratagem, not to miss you more cunning than me. Snake."
The little boy is very talkative, frank if he found a fresh thing, will raise the issue of many, many. His mother always took pains, patient, kindly, try to answer to answer questions.
Occasionally, she also said: "children, now you are young, you grew up to the age of ten, to ask me that question again? And I'll tell you in detail, said now you don't understand."
Whenever this time, frank will let go of his problem, not importune. Because he knew, as long as the questions right, mother will answer his seriously.
The ancient times have a timer is called an hourglass. Frank saw for the first time, was attracted by it. As to the role of the hourglass, he did not know.
My mother said, "according to the eight words made an hourglass shape, is one of the ancient timer. Sand from one end of the fall, then flows through the holes in the middle. As to how much sand to hold, that should see an hour from the hole leakage quantity of sand to settle."
The thin sand flow very slowly, as frank looks, impatient. "Mom, let me help it shakes a rock." He said anxiously, "flow so slowly, but I have no time to flow out."
"Yes, my son, is this," my mother said, "though the sand flows slowly, but I did not stop the flow. You look at the clock on the pointer, is whether it is found that walking very slowly. B: yes, indeed, however, does not stop them. Children, whether you're playing or sleeping, the sand is still in the bead to flow, horological index in the second by second
Stop. Throughout the night, on the clocks, will turn the whole lap, sand in an hourglass, 12 times will pass through small holes through them. Because they have never stopped working, they are unwilling to stop his steps, go to too much thinking what to do. "
Frank today, mom wants to learn a hymn, but he was retreat, said: "don't, I can learn can't, mom."
Mother taught to longly say: "baby, don't stop to ask, as long as you always keep learning, nature will be able to learn."
Listen to the mother's teachings, frank really very hard to learn one line up. After a few hours in the past, he really understand the meaning of the hymn.