Nowadays there are so many animals out there make people in real life happier. Dog is the best example to identify. As many people believe dog is man's best freind, this is very true.It not just entertain us, however, sometimes dogs could actually help their owner do some work!
When we are bored, we might take our dogs for a walk, we could play with them. Mainly dogs listen to their owner all the time, they are most obedient pet out of all kinds of animals.Peeple like dogs simply because, they are cute, they make fun of us and most significantly, dogs make people happier. Therefore, saying dogs are people's friend have nothing wrong, they actually obtain the most closest relationship with the human beings out of all animals.
I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.
Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day. He never barks or bites. Peter likes lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy. So I play with him every day in the park. Peter likes to run in the park. He often chases cats and birds. It is very interesting. Peter can find the way back easily. I think he is the cleverest animal of all.
I like my dog and he loves me too. He is very healthy. All my family like him. We look after him very carefully. I'll make a small and lovely house for him. I think he will be happy to live there. Do you like my dog?
I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. I like talking to it, because it's a friend worth of trusting. I would like to share my happy things with it. When I am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. I am happy to have such a lovely friend.
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