適合三年級英語故事:A Trip to Egypt
Roy wanted to visit Egypt two years ago. But while he was checking out different tour packages, an airplane crashed into the Atlantic. The plane was an Egypt Air flight from New York to Cairo. It had no sooner gotten airborne than it dove straight down into the ocean, killing all on board. There was a great deal of investigation into the crash, but the final conclusion, made after recovering the black box, was that the copilot had decided to take his life, along with all the passengers and crew.
Pat told Roy to forget about flying to Egypt. As his wife of 50 years, she wouldn’t permit it. If he wanted to see the pyramids, she said, he could rent a video or google the pyramids online. Two years went by, and no further crashes occurred. One day Roy told Pat that he was going to Egypt, with or without her approval. He asked her if she wanted to go with him. She said no, thank you—she didn’t have a death wish “like someone I know.”
Roy said that the plane crashed two years ago—she worried too much. He said he was also making a side trip to Israel. Pat said, “Go ahead. I’ll call the funeral parlor so they know you’ll be dropping by.” Roy laughed. He said there was a greater chance of dying in a car accident in their own neighborhood than of being killed by terrorists in Egypt or Israel.
“Yes,” Pat said, “but we have to drive around our neighborhood to do our errands. We don’t have to go to Egypt and Israel. You’re just tempting fate.”
適合三年級英語故事:No Doughnuts for Old Folks
In New York, the residents at a senior center have been receiving free doughnuts and other baked goods for years. The sweets are donated by bakeries and other shops that have leftovers that are not quite fresh enough to sell. The seniors devour the sweets. But the city council has decided that these sweets are no good for the seniors. It just passed a law forbidding free day-old sweets for the senior center.
“We want our seniors to live as long as possible, and these sweets can only contribute to obesity. With obesity come high blood pressure, circulation problems, and diabetes. So we are doing this for their own good,” said Karl Rove, a city council member.
The senior citizens are having none of this. They immediately called Rove and other council members to protest this ban. “Who are these people to tell us what to eat?” asked Doug Fairbanks, a resident at the center. “I’ll bet every one of them has a doughnut several times a week. Where do they get this attitude? They act like they are our parents.
“Instead, they are elected officials who are supposed to do the will of the people. And there isn’t one person in this senior center who has complained about the free doughnuts. If they’re concerned about seniors, are they going to prohibit all the seniors in the whole town from eating doughnuts? They can’t just pick on us if they’re interested in the health of all seniors.
“People get a little bit of power and it goes straight to their heads. We are starting a petition to recall all the council members who voted for this law.”
適合三年級英語故事:It’s Just Business
May was hoping to broker cigarette lighters in America. Her friend said that Mr. Wang was a big manufacturer in China. She gave May Mr. Wang’s phone number. May called Mr. Wang, and invited him to Los Angeles. She arranged several meetings between Mr. Wang and some US wholesalers. Because he did not speak English, she was the interpreter at the meetings. Mr. Wang promised to give May a commission for whatever business deal was made and for all future orders.
The first three meetings were unproductive. The last meeting was with a Chinese wholesaler. He spoke Chinese, so there was no need for May to interpret his remarks. She sat there throughout the meeting and listened. The two men discovered that they both had grown up in Guiyang, a large city in southwest China. At meeting’s end, no deal was made. Everyone shook hands.
May and Mr. Wang walked out to her car. Then Mr. Wang said that he had forgotten something. He excused himself and walked back to the office. May waited a moment. Then, suspicious, she snuck back to the office and heard the two men making a deal behind her back. Mr. Wang was cutting her out of her commission.
May went back out to her car and waited. Mr. Wang was whistling as he returned to the car. He apologized for making her wait. She said it was no problem. Then she drove Mr. Wang back to his
hotel. He thanked her for her help, and said he was returning to China the next day. She didn’t say anything about what she had overheard. She went home and tried not to cry about what had just
happened—she must be strong.
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