The Drinking Fountain
The drinking fountain squirted me.
It shot right up my nose.
It felt as if I'd stuck my nostril
on the garden hose.
It squirted water in my eye
and also in my ear.
I'm having trouble seeing
and it's really hard to hear.
The water squirted east and west.
It squirted north and south.
Upon my shirt, my pants, my hair,
but nothing in my mouth.
I'm sure that soon they'll fix it
but, until then, let me think...
just whom can I convince that they
should come and have a drink?
I Like to Pretend to Be Like Myself
I like to pretend to be like myself.
It's harder than you would suppose.
I frequently say things that I would say.
I often will wear my own clothes.
I put on my sneakers and brush my hair
exactly the way that I'd do,
and sometimes I wear my own underwear
and no one has even a clue.
I walk just exactly the way I'd walk
and go to the places I'd go.
I play with the people who play with me
and say things that only I'd know.
I do a remarkable job sometimes
and everyone thinks that I'm me.
They can't tell that really I'm not myself,
but only pretending to be.
So next time you see me I might not be
the person you think that you see.
I often pretend to be like myself.
It's fun to pretend to be me.
Slightly Rainy Day
It's windy and chilly
and rainy and gray,
but, still, I won't need
my galoshes today.
I'll need no umbrella,
no jacket or mittens.
It's not raining hard;
only puppies and kittens.
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