Calculator, Calculator
Calculator, calculator,
help me with my math.
Help me do my homework
or I'll feel the teacher's wrath.
Calculator, calculator,
add these numbers quick.
Truly you're a wizard
with this tough arithmetic.
Calculator, calculator,
multiply, divide.
Decimals, percentages;
you solve them all with pride.
Calculator, calculator,
don't be such a jerk.
Thank you for the answers
but you have to show your work.
My Sister Thinks She's Santa Claus
My sister thinks she's Santa Claus.
It's really kind of cute.
She likes to shout out "Ho, Ho, Ho!"
and wears a bright red suit.
She carries lots of toys around
inside a great big sack
and keeps her eight pet reindeer
with her sleigh out in the back.
She even has a workshop
where she makes a lot of noise
directing all the elves who help
by making brand new toys.
Then once a year, on Christmas Eve,
she flies off in her sleigh
delivering her gifts around the world
for Christmas Day.
She'd make a perfect Santa
which is why it's just too bad
my sister can't be Santa Claus;
see, Santa is our dad.
A Talkative Man From Seattle
A talkative man from Seattle
Would spend his days speaking to cattle.
When asked what he said
One old cow shook her head
And replied, "Why, it's nothing but prattle!"
Alex's Allergy
Alex had an allergy
that no one could explain.
It made him wheeze and cough and sneeze
and moan and groan in pain.
A single slight exposure,
and he'd start to squawk and squeal.
A second time ensured
that he'd be barking like a seal.
He'd salivate and slobber
as his nose began to twitch.
He'd squirm and say his body felt
like one gigantic itch.
At last they found the cause,
which Alex thought was pretty cool.
So now he stays at home;
he is allergic to his school.
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