Honorable Mr. Pressident Obama
This is Amy. October the first is our country's National Day. And we will have a military review of our military including the latest weapon selection.
After that, there will be a prosperous celebration and firework show.
We sincerely hope that you can come and join us in this special occasion.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Yours faithfully Amy
Dear President Obama
,I am a junior high school student from Asia. I am really interested in capitalism, so I have come to the United States.
Congratulations that you have solved the financial crisis and been once more elected as the president of the United States. I have followed you on news and media since the beginning of your campaign. I like your speech and your manners very much.
I am a strong supporter of your plans, which are made during your term of office, for reviving the economy. I believe that you can be more successful in the following four years.
Bless you and your family!
Dear President Obama
I am a junior middle school student, I am not American, I come from Asia, I am very interested in the capital of the country, so I came to the United States of america.
Congratulations on your success when the president of the United States and solve the financial crisis. From you I am very concerned about your campaign.
I really like your speech, also very love you. Also very support you made in the ruling after a series of help to revive the economy plans and measures, I believe you in the next 4 years will be more of the outstanding!
Wishing you and your family.
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