Helen records the rest of her childhood after her recovery of the illness, in which time she has already been deafblind. She sits in mum's lap or clung to her dress as she goes about mum's household duties, using hands to feel every object and observed every motion. She says that she owes her mother's loving wisdom all that was bright and good in her long night. Through Helen's description, I can see a character who is, use my poor vocabulary, considerable and merciful. Helen's father is a editor of a newspaper. Her earliest distinct recollection of her father is making her way through the drifts of newspapers to his side and finding him alone, holding a sheet of paper before his face. This is a scene of peace and love, filled with the sunlight of the afternoon. She regard him as a man loving and indulgent, devoted to his home, seldom leave except in the hunting season. To her great sorrow, father dies of a short illness in 1896, with a brief time of acute suffering. This is her first personal experience with death. I can feel that, though Helen has received love from parents, and has fun with her mere two companions, Martha Washington, the child of the cook, and Belle, an old dog, her childhood is full of loneliness and caprice. Until Sullivan comes to her rescue, bring her light and wisdom.
When the time of daisies and buttercups comes Miss Sullivan takes Helen by the hand across the fields, making friends with nature. Helen feels the kindness and the beneficence of nature by smelling the fragrant woods and feeling the heat of the sunlight. However, on the other hand, she has an experience which teaches her that nature is not always kind. One day when Helen and her teacher return from a long ramble, they have a rest under a wild cherry tree. The shade is grateful, and the tree is so easy to climb that with Sullivan's assistance she succeeds in climbing up and sitting in the branches. Sullivan goes back to home to fetch the lunch, and just during her absence the weather changes and a strange odour comes from the earth, which precedes a thunderstorm. A nameless fear clutches her heart and suddenly she feels helpless and surrounded by immense darkness. It was until she was knocked down by the wind that Sullivan comes to her rescue. These experiences, no matter bright dreams or nightmare, shapes her spirit and enriches her during the long night.
Long ago, when I was a student of grade six, I accidentally came into the world of Helen Kaller, what was out of my expectation. My vague recollections indicate that a book list was once delivered to our class, and every student was required to buy at least one book mentioned in it. It was merely the cover of the book, and the appealing introduction followed that resulted in my decision to buy the book named Three Days to See, containing the autobiography The Story of My Life and the essay Three Days to See, all by a deafblind female, Helen Kaller. This incident opened a window for me to see into the inner world of this celebrated and marvellous woman. When I received my copy and began to go through it, the image of this giant figure became gradually clear. The tract of her life displayed in front of me, her struggle of acquiring language moved me, and her companionship with her teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan inspired me. Through the exquisite words and the fluent statemenst, I saw directly into Helen's inner world, where a indomitable angle lived. What was regretful was that my copy was a Chinese edition, so, to some extent, it was a barrier between me and the author, preventing her original thoughts from being fully expressed.
After I have begun my university life, I have a chance again to read the book The Story of My Life, as it is a assignment of this Extensive English Reading course. The difference is that,
this time I have gone through the original edition of Helen's autobiography. What impress me first is the graceful style of her writing, such as the tropes, the description of the nature, and
the choice of the words which is hard to be distinguished when being translated into another language. I'd like to develop my reading report according to the chapter order, and both abstract
the good sentences and express my own opinion towards the contents.
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