關於初一英語小短文:come out of nowhere
In the Warring States Period 戰國, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation.
One of his minister, Chun Yukun chún yú kūnwho had a good sense of humor, said to him:”There is a big bird which has never taken wing nor sung for three years.Your Highness, may you guess what kind of bird is it?”
The duke answered, “Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.”
The duke then devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.
This idiom is used to indicate that a person may rise from obscurity and achieve greatness.
關於初一英語小短文:be an expert in
Gong sun Long 公孫龍, a famous scholar lived in the State of Zhao 趙國 during the Warring States Period 戰國,475――221BC, had a habit of maintaining a great number of skilled people around him.
He often said, "A wise man should welcome anyone with a specialty."
One day, a man in shabby clothes came to see him and said to him:" I have a special skill. " Gong asked: "What is it?""I have a loud voice and I'm good at shouting."
Then Gong turned to his followers and asked," Who is good at shouting?" But none of them answered "Yes ". So the scholar took the man in.
Some days later, Gong and his followers went on a trip.
They came to a wide river and found the boat was on the other side of the river. All of them had no idea. Suddenly, Gong thought of the shouting expert and turned to him, "Can you have a try?"
The man realized it was the chance to show his skill. He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman, come here, we want to cross the river." As his voice ended, the ferryman came to fetch them. Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.
Later, people use it to describe anyone who has a special professional skill.
關於初一英語小短文:one's own wishful thinking
Many years ago, a farmer happened to see the King's daughter in the capital. He lost his heart to her at once.
After returning, he missed the princess day and night. Soon, he was ill.
His friends and relatives came to see him.
When they knew the reason why the farmer was ill, they thought it was quite difficult to help the farmer, for the King would never consent to his daughter marrying a poor man.
But the sick man sighed sadly: "If I can't get the princess, I will be dead." His friends tried topersuade him, but in vain. So they had to play a trick.
Some days later, they came to see the man again and told him they had asked the princess tomarry him, but she rejected.
In fact, they had never done it. But the foolish man believed. However, he did not give up his mind.
He announced: "if I visit the princess in person, she will say yes." If he did so, you can guess the result.
Later,people use it to describe the man who only considers his own aspiration, ignoring theobjective situation and others' opinions.
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