Basic CV
Name: xxx nationality: China
Current location: Guangzhou National: Han
Exit and Entry: Shaanxi is: 170 cm 63 kg
Marital Status: Married Age: 30 years old
Training Certification: integrity badge:
Job search intention and work experience
Personnel types: ordinary job
Position: Biological Chemical / Pharmaceutical Engineering: Biological Engineering Manager, the Minister of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Western medicine / Pharmacists
Work Experience: 6 Title: No Title
Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - two weeks
Monthly requirements: 5000 - 8000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shantou
Personal experience: in October 2001 to June 2002 in Baoji City Drug internship.
Nearly 6 years of experience in the work of two companies.
From July 2002 to March 2004 Granville St. in Xi'an Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as a laboratory director.
Work experience in detail:
★ laboratory system the system, technical documentation of the planning, set up and perfect the work; testing equipment research, selection, procurement, inspection, testing, etc.;
★ laboratory the day-to-day management and inspection work. And participate in the entire process of GMP certification.
In April 2004 in February 2008 letter into Pharmaceutical Group Qi Ying Han and Tibetan Qinghai Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as the quality manager.
Work experience in detail:
★ Professional Certification:
Familiar with the drugs, food, health food-related laws and regulations, with medicines, food, health food certification procedures and requirements to participate in the company 3 times 6 formulations 12 varieties GMP certification, certification of health food products 1 letter into Pharmaceutical Group in Qinghai Tinospora health food Co., Ltd., set up a quality management system, specify the quality of the management of the corresponding documents and materials raw materials, auxiliary materials, packaging materials, semi-finished product quality standards and criteria for inspection procedures, and designated quality control personnel and the duties of inspectors; familiar with the GMP certification to verify the procedures and requirements involved in the verification cleaning validation, environmental disinfection cleaning validation, system validation, equipment validation, process validation, etc..
★ new drug R & D:
Responsible for the company's new drug R & D work. Familiar with the procedures for new drug research and development, familiar with the drug R & D
The requirements of independent general agents to complete the preparation of pharmaceutical information, sorting and reporting. Familiar with the principles of conventional test equipment and performance, and operation and maintenance of an independent, has a strong inspection techniques and skills, able to complete the inspection work of the Standing Orders.
Familiar with the health food of the procedures and requirements development, responsible for the development of health food products based on information and preparation works for the preparation. And is responsible for the outreach.
★ Training:
Over the years the company is mainly responsible for the laws and regulations at all levels of personnel, expertise and professional skills training and assessment, the training can be firmly carried out the current situation surrounding the company, making the company at all levels of legal awareness and legal concepts, making professional and technical personnel at all levels of expertise to enhance professional skills have been greatly improved, can adapt to changing requirements.
★ ISO14001 certification:
January 13, 2006 OIA to obtain ISO14001 certificate. Familiar with the regulatory requirements for environmental management system and the use of guidelines National Institute of Standards, familiar with the environmental management system certification process and requirements involved in the formation of the EMS work and the appointment of a corporate environmental management manual, procedures, operating documentation A management type, technology B, such as technical documents and data, company quality management system is responsible for running the organization, coordination, inspection and assessment work, is responsible for internal audit, management review and other work organizations.
★ Pharmaceutical Packaging:
Well-known drug-related brochures and packaging label of the laws and regulations, and familiar with the drug label and packaging design specification of the procedures and requirements, the company responsible for assisting the presentation of drug packaging label design work, is responsible for the design of drug packaging label presentation, and printing the final version before review, proof-reading, monitoring and follow-up work.
Educational background
Graduate institutions: the Faculty of Medicine of Xi'an
Highest level of education: college graduates - 2002-07-01
Studies by one: the Science of Pharmacy 2:
By education and training experience: from September 1999 to July 2002 in Xi'an Medical College formerly Shanxi Medical College Pharmacy
April 2001 Certificate in Computer II
January 2006 marks a radius of Group Environmental Management System Certification Audit certificate
October 25, 2007 in Qinghai Province Health Authority health food certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice training
2 February, 2008 letter into Qinghai Pharmaceutical Group workers excellent management certificate
Language ability
Foreign Languages: English well
Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: null
The ability to work and other expertise
Nearly six years of medicine, health food quality management research and development work experience.
Detailed personal autobiography
Active thinking, self-motivated and has strong ability to forge ahead;
Hard hard-working, self-learning ability;
Has a strong team spirit and a strong affinity;
Honest and trustworthy, diligent and responsible.
Personal Contact
國籍: 中國
目前所在地: 廣州
民族: 漢族
戶口所在地: 肇慶
身材: 159 cm 43 kg
婚姻狀況: 未婚
年齡: 24 歲
培訓認證: 誠信徽章:
人才型別: 普通求職
應聘職位: 行政/人事類:採購 行政/人事類 醫藥文職類 醫院/醫療/護理/美容保健類 藥劑師
工作年限: 1
職稱: 無職稱
求職型別: 全職
可到職- 一個月
月薪要求: 2000--3500
希望工作地區: 廣州 深圳
個人工作經歷: 2007年7月畢業至今 廣東嶺南製藥有限公司採購員
畢業院校: 廣東藥學院
最高學歷: 本科
畢業- 2007-07-01
所學專業一: 藥學
受教育培訓經歷: 2003年9月~2007年6月 廣東藥學院 藥學 學士學位
2008年1月 廣東省藥品生產企業檔案管理工作會議
2007年12月 GMP認證檢查評定標準
2007年9月 危險化學品登記培訓
外語: 英語 良好
國語水平: 優秀 粵語水平: 優秀
專業能力: 接受過系統高等臨床藥學專業教育,具有紮實的現代臨床藥學專業理論知識和技能;具有醫學及與醫學,臨床醫學相關的基礎知識與技能,醫療文書知識與技能;具有參與臨床藥物治療方案的設計與實踐,研究與實施合理用藥的知識與技能,有較強的動手能力和研究分析能力
計算機能: 熟練運用CorelDRAW、Word、Powerpoint、Excel等辦公軟體。
語言能力: 有良好的英語基礎;選修藥學專業英語;流利普通話和粵語
其它能力: 自學能力、組織溝通協調能力、團隊合作能力、動手實驗能力強;具備發掘資訊價值的能力
目前所在地: 廣州
民族: 漢族
戶口所在地: 江門
身材: 158 cm kg
婚姻狀況: 未婚
年齡: 21 歲
培訓認證: 誠信徽章:
人才型別: 應屆畢業生
應聘職位: 醫院/醫療/護理/美容保健類:醫藥類助理 醫院/醫療/護理/美容保健類 醫藥類質量檢驗 醫院/醫療/護理/美容保健類 醫藥類倉管
工作年限: 0
職稱: 無職稱
求職型別: 全職
可到職- 隨時
月薪要求: 1500--2000
希望工作地區: 廣州
公司名稱: 成信超市起止年月:2007-02 ~ 2008-01
公司性質: 私營企業所屬行業:日用生活服務
擔任職務: 營業員
工作描述: 銷售各種各樣的日常用品、食品、化妝品等,經過了實習使我掌握了銷售點技巧和超市的工作流程。
公司名稱: 新會區美信連鎖藥店起止年月:2005-07 ~ 2006-08
公司性質: 中外合資所屬行業:醫療,衛生事業
擔任職務: 營業員
公司名稱: 非常女人美容院起止年月:2004-07 ~ 2005-02
公司性質: 私營企業所屬行業:其他
擔任職務: 文員
工作描述: 整理日常的檔案和規劃實踐並且通知客戶來做美容。
畢業院校: 廣東食品藥品職業學院
最高學歷: 大專
畢業- 2009-07-01
所學專業一: 藥學
所學專業二: 計算機應用
受教育培訓經歷: 起始年月 終止年月 學校機構 專 業 獲得證書 證書編號
2006-09 2009-07 廣東食品藥品職業學院 藥學 *
外語: 英語 良好
國語水平: 優秀 粵語水平: 優秀
5、2007年7月, 參加學院組織的“三下鄉——清遠”
6、2008年4月, 參加學院開發的新藥研發活動。
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