Todd: OK, Chris, Friday the 13th is coming up. So, first of all, are you superstitious?
Chris: Yes. When I play sports I'm superstitious. I have a lucky shirt and stuff like that.
Todd: Oh, really!
Chris: Yeah.
Todd: So what's your lucky shirt?
Chris: It's a bungy jumping shirt that I got about 10 years ago. It's all falling apart but it's still my lucky shirt.
Todd: OK, So you don't wash it or anything?
Chris: If I have a good game I don't wash it until I have a bad game and then I wash the badness out.
Todd: OK. What sport are we talking about?
Chris: I play ice hockey.
Todd: Oh, really.
Chris: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, so your a hockey player! Your a pretty solid guy.
Chris: Yeah, I'm a goalie. Being a goalie it's a lot to being comfortable in the position, so if you have a good game you don't touch anything. You do the same routine. Goalies are known to be a little strange.
Todd: Wow. So that's cool. Are you still playing in Japan?
Chris: I've played a few times but it's just too much trouble to drag my equipment on three trains and a taxi and about a 800 meter walk. It's just not worth it right now. If I had a car I'd try for sure.
Todd: Oh, that's too bad. Alright, well, good luck and...so right now is your shirt dirty of clean? Your unlucky shirt?
Chris: It's just been washed. Yeah, it needed a good washing this time.
Todd: OK, Yoko. We're gonna talk about exercise.
Yoko: Exercise!
Todd: Now, you go to a gym?
Yoko: Maybe three times a week.
Todd: OK.
Yoko: Yeah. If I can.
Todd: OK.
Yoko: Cause I have to.
Todd: Why? What do you mean? Why do you have to?
Yoko: When I went to the USA, I gained a lot. 20 pounds. That was too much for me. So I decided to go to lose weight.
Todd: OK.
Yoko: If possible.
Todd: How did you lose weight?
Yoko: I go to the gym and run, maybe 20 minutes. I'm too lazy. I can't keep running for hours. And anyway, so I do aerobics. Do you say aerobics?
Todd: Aerobics.
Yoko: Yes. Aerobics or something like that.
Todd: OK. That's it.
Yoko: That's it. And sometimes I swim. Yeah, but I like aerobics better than swimming.
Todd: Why?
Yoko: Because it's fun.
Todd: OK.
Yoko: And the music and dancing. Yeah, it's more fun for me.
Todd: When you lost the weight did you also diet or did you just exercise?
Yoko: I just exercised cause I like eating. I love eating. I can't stop doing that, so... but I try my best not to eat chocolate too much.
Todd: Oh, that's your weakness. Chocolate.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: OK. Well, you look great so.
Yoko: Oh, thank you. You're so nice.
Tood: Oh, thank you. You're so nice.
Yoko: You are welcom.
Todd: Ok, thank you.
Yoko: You are welcome, talk to you soon.
Todd: Hey, Marika!
Marika: Hey!
Todd: How you doing?
Marika: I'm OK. How are you?
Todd: Good. Marika do you like summer?
Marika: No, I don't like summer it's my least favorite summer.
Todd: Wow, why?
Marika: Because I don't like hot weather. I don't like being hot and sweaty and uncomfortable.
Todd: OK. Well, it's pretty hot in Japan so you must not like summer here.
Marika: No, I don't.
Todd: Is it hot in summer where you're from?
Marika: Yeah, it's pretty hot but usually we go away on the weekends to cottages and we go swimming in lakes and stuff.
Todd: Oh, that's nice. Where are you from by the way?
Marika: Canada.
Todd: So, what's your favorite season?
Marika: Winter or fall.
Todd: OK. Well, what do you do in the winter?
Marika: In the winter, activities you mean?
Todd: Yeah.
Marika: I go snowboarding and I go to onsens and I walk around and I enjoy the cold weather.
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