T: Hello! May I help you?
您好, 您有事需要幫忙嗎?
C: Yes, I hope so. I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler’s check here?
T: Of course. We’d be happy cash it for you.
C: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates.
T: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler’s check-buying rate, which we somewhat better than at hotels because of the service charge. You see, hotels aren’t really in the money exchange business although they will cash traveler’s checks for their guests.
C: You mean there’s really not much of a difference?
T: No, madam, not very much.
C: Well, may I cash these three checks for $100 each? I think that will be enough.
那麼, 我能把每張100美圓的3張支票兌現嗎?我想該夠用了。
T: Yes, I’ll be happy to cash these for you. Would you please countersign them here?
好的, 我很樂意為你兌換。請您將支票復籤一下。
C: There you are.
T: And will you please sign this foreign exchange request? I’ve already written down your name and address for you, but I will read your passport number.
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