20XX summer vacation, my mother took me to Xiamen, the sea, to see the sea, I raised my arm shouted: "I love you," I went to the sea shallow water, I jumped, splashed a splash Meters high. Suddenly, a drop of water ran to my mouth, I mouth, I felt a trace of salty mouth, immediately cried: "good salty ah!
My mother and I play in the shallow water area. Into the water, I only feel at the foot of the same thing like a needle tied to my soles of the feet, I "ah" called out, raised his feet, a look, is a small crab, I caught Live it, shouted: "Come and see, I caught a small crab." Mom also shouted: "I also caught a small crab here." I caught two small After the crab, I went to the beach to play the sand. First of all, I first made a small house, which I made a table, four stools, a TV, I then use some dry sand in the house surface sprinkled, so that a fine perfect house covered The. I put two small crabs on a small stool, a small crab with its pliers forward a push, the table down, you say it fun is not fun?
My mother took me to see the whale, that whale is true, but dead, made a model for people to visit, that whale is dark blue body, I saw the blue, thought of salty. The whale's eyes were exposed, and it seemed that the whale was alive.
At this time, my ears came a burst of cheers, my mother and ran to see, is the dolphin show. There is a mother dolphins and public dolphins in the kiss, amused everyone laughed, the next performance is dolphin top ball. There are two balls on the ceiling, dolphins jump out from the water, with the mouth of the ball, the ball is getting higher and higher performance more and more intense, after the show, everyone's applause lingering.
This trip to Xiamen, let me linger.
I have long been looking forward to the long days.
Today, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and I want to go to Longquan hole play. On the road, rape seems to put the earth to the mother of a golden dress. Distant lawn on the emergence of a cow, as if to say: "Welcome to Xuancheng!" About two hours away, we came to Longquan hole.
Longquan hole is located in Xuancheng City, 30 kilometers southeast of the town of sweet jujube water town, formed in the 300 million years ago, is the karst landscape rare in the cavity structure of the complete plate cave, the hole perennial constant temperature, four seasons pleasant. Longquan hole up and down more than ten layers, divided into seven hall two house two house a river, the size of the attractions as many as 500, run 3.2 km.
Into the inside, just like a big refrigerator into the same, because here only 18 degrees Celsius. We first came to the "Longquan waterfall" attractions, wow! That piece of felds of stone like a waterfall generally fly down. After that, we came to the "elephant hole" attractions, before the hole, an "elephant" head stretched out, as if only the "elephant" will soon come out from the hole like. Next, we came to the "lakes and mountains" attractions, the lake issued a colorful light, beautiful! Walk along the path, came to the color hall. A stone tiger head stretched out, open Xuepentaikou, as if we should immediately eat us like. Then I saw a stone like a peacock in the distance, and the "peacock" was sorting out its beautiful feathers ...
Time flies, blink of an eye, to the afternoon, we had to reluctantly go home.
National Day that night, my father, my mother took me and cousin, drove to Xiamen tourism. We opened the car for the night. Because not used to sleep in the car, so although I am very tired, but until the middle of the night half still can not sleep, my mother did not sleep, only cousin sleep very fragrant. To five o'clock, I have been very sleepy, but, opened a night car father spirit is still very good. I admire: "Dad, how are you so good?" Dad said, "I slept for a while yesterday."
Tianmeng loud when we stopped in a high-speed service area, my father to squint for a while. However, he was sleeping for half an hour or so, I was awakened and cousin, no way, had to continue driving on the road. Suddenly, we saw a big and red thing came from the horizon, the original is sunrise up. At this time, the moon is not completely down the mountain, now, the sun in the cousin side of the window, the moon in my side of the window, I finally see the sunrise, and the sun and the moon at the same time in heaven.
About seven o'clock in the morning, we went to Xiamen boundary, I saw a lot of garbage on the roadside, a little disappointed, my father comfort me, said: "This is not the Xiamen city, here is the suburbs, so it will be dirty." Downtown, I saw the scenery is really beautiful, clear sky, fresh air, clean the road, full of trees and flowers, this is what I imagined the beautiful Xiamen ah! Xiamen, I'm here!
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