
  分詞就是具有動詞 及形容詞二者特徵的詞,尤指以-ing或-ed,-d,-t,-en或-n結尾的英語動詞性形容詞,具有形容詞功能,同時又表現各種動詞性特點,如時態 、語態 、帶狀語性修飾語的效能及帶賓詞的效能。以下是小編為大家整理的,希望能幫助大家更好地認識分詞,提高英語水平。


  He is a retired worker.  他是位退休的工人

  We can see the rising sun. 我們可以看到東昇的旭日

  分詞後置 i.分詞片語;ii. 個別分詞如given, left; iii. 修飾不定代詞 something等

  This is the question given.   這是所給的問題

  There is nothing interesting.  沒有有趣的東西

  There was a girl sitting there. 有個女孩坐在那裡



  Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.

  Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.


  1 The first textbook ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

  A. have written  B. to be written  C. being written  D. written

  答案D. 書與寫作是被動關係,應用過去分詞做定語表被 動,相當於定語從句 which is written

  2What's the language ____ in Germany?

  A. speaking  B. spoken   C. be spoken  D. to speak

  答案B. 主語language與謂語動詞之間有被動的含義。

  spoken是動詞speak的過去分詞形式,在句中作定語,修飾主語language, spoken 與 language有被動關係。該句可以理解為:

  What's the language which is spoken in German?

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