英語手抄報內容1:給弟弟的禮物 The Gift I Gave to My Brother
Last night, my brother had his five-year old birthday, I was so excited, because I prepared the gift for him. It was a watch, there was a cartoon character in it. I knew my brother wanted a watch all the time, so I wanted to give him the surprise. When he saw my gift, he was so happy and thanked me. I am so happy that he likes it.
英語手抄報資料2:多交朋友 Making More Friends
I like to make friends, I can share my happiness and sorrow with friends. Friends are very important part of our lives, without them, I will be very lonely. I learn it when I was very small. It was Friday, I went to school to join the English contest, before I went into the classroom, I found I did not bring the admission card, I felt so worried, without admission card, I could not walk into the classroom. My friend Li looked at me and asked me what happened, I told him the truth, then he asked me to stay here and he rushed to our classroom. Ten minutes later, he came back with my admission card. I was so thankful, friends are very important.
英語手抄報內容3:跑男 Running Men
Running men is the hot show in Korea, in 2014, China has brought its copyright and starts to make Chinese running men. When the show first came to the audience’s eyes, it became very popular, the participants have gained the fame and money. Because of its great success, I am so interested in the show, so I watched a few colleges. The show is so funny, I laugh happily, I learn lesson at the same time. In the game, it needs to get allied to defeat others and win the game, so there is no way for one to win the game by his own. The cooperation is very important, it can help people get the win-win situation.
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