you’re the girl in my dream.
i’m thinking of you every second.
it is universally acknowledged that you are indispensible to me.
loving you is closely to my life.
i have searched a thousand years. and i have cried a thousand tears. i found everything i need. you are everything to me.
for years i had been searching for that perfect fantasy. but i find it in my arms right now. you are all to me.
when i met you i knew i would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love.
i asked god for a rose & he gave me a garden. i ask god for a drop of water & he gave me an ocean. i asked god for an angel & he gave me you! one day you ask me: what's more important to you, me or your life? i'll say my life and you'll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life. my eyes are hurting because i can't see you. my arms are empty because i can't hold you. my lips are cold because i can't kiss you. my heart is breaking because i'm not with you.
honey, how do i live without you? i miss you every minute and every second.
within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.
you are the one i have been looking for.
i can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.
i will always keep a warm place in my heart for you.
my heart beats for you every day. i am inspired by you every minute, and i worry about you every second. it is wonderful to have you in my life.
Dear Shortie,Look, I don't know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for years. Once we got together, I couldn't believe how good things were going. It was too good to be true. It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I felt like that's the way it should still be.I didn't want you to leave - honestly, I didn't. If I could go back, I'd beg you to stay by my side. To know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. Now that I think about it, how could I have let you go? What was I thinking then? Look what has happened.I know we've been through the toughest of times. And because of that I think we are stronger than we thought. We lasted a good while. I'm so incredibly sorry for everything that I did wrong. I wish you could just tell me, and I would change it all. But, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.
When I said I would marry you, I meant it. I wanted to live my entire life loving you. We could have grown old together. I know you wanted that. It would have been great. But what happened to us, Shortie? Where did we go wrong? Wasn't our love untouchable? Wasn't it strong? I sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically. Having you in one state and me in another was unbearable. Although, I wanted to be with you so badly, I also have school and my life here. If I could go back I'd probably leave with you when I had the chance. Would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?All I know is we may not be together now or maybe not ever again. But I want you to know that you are someone I will never ever forget. I loved you, and still love, and will always love you, no matter what. We've been through a lot. But that love is still there. I hope you find happiness. I hope all your dreams come true. You deserve a lot.I feel very lucky to have had the chance to experience the love we once had. It's something I will forever cherish. Please don't forget it. I know things aren't the best now, but at least we still have our friendship. That's where it all started. I just ask for one thing; be happy, and know that I'm happy. I will always think of you.Love always,Lucky Angel.
Everyday, every n I finally meet the right guy and he's not available. I'm in love with you but I can't be with you.
But, I've got to tell you, for the first time in months I can finally smile because although you didn't say much the last time you called I knew you still cared.
You can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but trust me you are only lying to yourself. Everyday I ask myself why … why do I feel this way? Why can't I stop loving you? Then it dawned on me … you put voodoo on me! Just kidding.
Before I go I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and like I've said many times before, I do not regret anything we've done. The only thing I regret is you telling me you love me because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulders.
Please don't be scared, I want nothing but your friendship, well … I do want more but I am willing to settle. I am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. I am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart.
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