People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which gives us the great strength to move on. In Chinese traditional role, father is described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time, while love from western father are much obvious. There always hug and kiss between children and parents. My father is a classic quiet father. He doesn't talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me. When I have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy he is. Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework. I love my father.
i have a good father.he is a worker .My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses.Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man.He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all.He has really done a lot for others.I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time.When I discourage him,he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts.
My father loves his family,and loves his work even better.In the company,he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working,and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health.My father likes reading in his spare time.He told me reading was very interesting.I became interested in reading little by little.I like books,because they help me in many ways.My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much.I hate it.See,the house is full of smoke.I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine.I advise him to give up smoking.Im sure he will follow my advice some day.Such is my father.I am proud of having such a good father.
我的爸爸 我的爸爸個子高高的,戴著一副眼鏡.大家都說他是個好心腸的人.他經常幫鄰居排憂解難,對於一些他壓根不認識的陌生人,他也總是盡力相助.他為別人真是付出了許多許多.我不願意他這麼做,因為這花費了他太多的時間.每當我勸阻他時,爸爸總是笑著說:“世界需要熱心腸嘛!” 爸爸熱愛家庭,更注重事業,公司裡的人都叫他“工作狂”.他把大部分時間都用於工作,為工作他常常廢寢忘食.過度的勞累使他的健康狀況欠佳.爸爸閒暇時愛讀書.他告訴我,讀書很有趣.我漸漸地對讀書產生了興趣.我愛上了書,因為書對我幫助很大.爸爸有個壞習慣——太愛吸菸.我不喜歡他抽菸.瞧,家裡充滿了煙味.我知道吸菸有害他的健康,對我和媽媽也有害無益.我建議他戒菸.我相信總有一天他會這麼做的.這就是我的爸爸,我為有這樣的好爸爸而自豪.
My father is not tall. He has two small but bright eyes and a small mouth.
My father is a very severe man. He is very strict with me. Every night,he asks me what I have learnt in the day, and helps me with my homework. Every morning,at six o'clock,he asks me to get up to read some English texts loudly. Sometime he is serious,but I know he is fond of me.
He often goes to the bookshop and buys a lot of books for me. If I want something,he always says,“If you study well,I will buy it for you. "Sometimes I am afraid of him, but I love him very much.
My father is good at cooking. If you come to my home for dinner, you will be surprised and cant's help saying, “very delicious!"
My father is a hardworking driver. He gets up early every day,and is never late for work. His colleagues also like him Very much. I think my father is a very good man.
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