


  The United Arab Emirates


  阿聯酋大學 United Arab Emirates University

  阿聯酋航運 Emirates Shipping Line

  阿聯酋電信 Emirates Telecommunications


  1. Boeing . advanced 1.9 percent after winning a $ 9.1 billion order from Emirates.


  2. Our products have been shipped to U.S.A. 、 Canada 、 The United Kingdom 、 Spain 、 South Africa 、 Kenya 、 UAE 、 Korea etc.


  3. Iraq , Qatar , Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen cannot enter Israel.

  沙烏地阿拉伯, 敘利亞, 突尼西亞, 阿聯酋和葉門,都不能進入以色列.

  4. The oil - rich UAE began auctioning off vanity license plates last May.


  5. Are you in a regulated market, like Oman or UAE?

  您所處的是像阿曼或阿聯酋那樣管控有序的市場 嗎 ?

  6. After the filing the application the Trademark Office will examine thethe application.


  7. Already , the U . A . E . has frozen prices for bread, rice and other staples.

  阿聯酋已經凍結了麵包 、 大米等主要食品的價格.

  8. More recent events have made the issue even more sensitive for UAE.


  9. The UAE , in particular, seems keen on this sort of novelty.

  特別是阿聯酋, 似乎很熱衷於這件新事物.

  10. A . E . port, then on to Saudi Arabia, ship.

  油輪報告稱將前往阿聯酋的另一個港口, 然後去往沙特.

  11. In just a few years, contemporary - art galleries have multiplied in the emirates.

  在僅僅幾年時間裡, 在阿聯酋時代藝術走廊成倍增長.

  12. In the UAE, you can buy bars direct from a vending machine.

  在阿聯酋, 你可以直接從一臺自動販賣機購買金條.

  13. Seamless experts said the UAE market conditions reflect the situation in global trade.


  14. The Gulf state wants to be able to scan mobile spectrum for terrorist and anti - state chatter.

  阿聯酋希望能夠檢查行動通訊頻譜,以找出恐怖分子與 反 政府分子.

  15. Speculation is rife, for instance, that Qatar and Arab Emirates are about to break their pegs.

  比如說,人們普遍猜測, 卡達和阿聯酋準備不再將本國貨幣與美元掛鉤.