aesthetic standard
They have little appreciation for the arts and have poor esthetics.
My sister's taste in dresses is adverse to my own.
On DU Fu's Aesthetic Appreciation Conception
I used to swing, but then age and good taste overtook me.
Probe Aesthetic Standards of Mencius
“他並不是以好的時尚感和審美觀著稱的” 布拉杜莎·尼日表示。
He is not exactly known for his sense of style, she said.
On Lu Xun's Humorous Aesthetic Judgement
On Lao Zi's Musical Aesthetic View
On Li He's Childlike Interest and Taste Expressed in His Poems
It is a philosophy of life, promulgating numerous and complicated existence.
He finds beauty all around him, and his aesthetic is like no other.
In a way, their aesthetic represents a new kind of uniform -- one heavilydependent on corporate labels.
The inside of spaceships also lacked gravity, while the actual ship designconformed to aerospace engineering rather than a "futuristic" aesthetic.
鑑於它們的上述才能,研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽比銜?岸∧窬哂猩竺攔酆頹痺詰摹⒛:?奈幕?饈叮?廡┨卣鞽?死嘀?猓?諂淥?鎦種屑?浜奔??/p>
Given all these talents, some researchers have attributed an aesthetic sense andthe glimmerings of culture to bowerbirds, traits rarely suggested as found in anyspecies aside from our own.
Its effect ends up being all out of proportion to the objects discovered, which are,in strictly aesthetic terms, fine but not remarkable.
Jonathan Van Meter, a writer at New York magazine and US Vogue, blamesfashion and celebrity glossies filled with images of teenagers for the New Newaesthetic.
“I was charmed by the matching costumes of the three sisters, their hairstyles,and the way the cozy New England setting played against the aesthetics of late-sixties America, ” Monakhov told me.
The scientists wrote in their paper that "in addition to infusing a scientific aestheticinto a thing of beauty " their study could aid the design of tiny motors or switches.
We can't wait to see how she will extend this aesthetic into her new realm: howshe will entertain, decorate, raise her children, pursue her passions.
These new procedures are now so popular that they've been credited with awhole new aesthetic for women in the public eye - a specific "face" shared bymany female stars.
These exaggerated sets of techniques are used by many designers now, whichhave been praised highly by the trend however, since people’s aesthetic standardhas changed recently.
But I believe in an alternative vision of aesthetics in medicine, one that gives morevalue to process, to empathetic connection, than to fixing or curing.
The Seattle World's fair, called the Century 21 Exposition, used an aerospaceaesthetic to fuel America's determination to win the Space Race against theSoviet Union.
The trendiness of the aesthetic both stimulated and exploited our enthusiasm forthe future, culminating into a quick turnover for consumer products and a greater movement toward materialism.
Native Chinese are beginning to appreciate projects that consider the country’shistorical and geographical context instead of exalting foreign aesthetic values.
That's how they build a spirit of solidarity and fraternity among them, develop theirself-esteem and foster the ethical and aesthetical values related to the music inall its senses.
The clients for this project were a young family with a very modern aesthetic.
Some primates, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, are now regarded ashaving cultural traditions but not aesthetics.
Through its complete control of both the artists and the publishing sector, the CCP was able to force its interpretation of reality and aesthetics on the population.
They have little appreciation for the arts and have poor esthetics.
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