Doctor Medicinae
Medical Doctor
1. He is a doctor of Medicine.
2. Yin Xianghua: Associate Physician , Associate chief physician, MD , Master Tutor.
尹香花: 副主任醫師, 副教授, 醫學博士, 碩士生導師,婦產科副主任.
3. Dean Blumberg, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at UC Dais.
4. She succeeded in getting some money to do her doctor's degree.
5. Jin Yi: Associate Chief Physician, Vice Director of Department of Pathology.
金毅: 副主任醫師,醫學博士, 病理科副主任.
6. MD stood for Stella and Mrs. Dingley together.
7. He graduated as an M. D. at Edinburgh.
他畢業於愛丁堡大學,獲得醫學 博士 學位.
8. Li Changxi: Associate Chief Physician, MD, Director of Pain and Rehabilitation Medical Center.
李昌熙: 副主任醫師, 醫學博士, 疼痛康復醫學中心主任.
9. He received a B . S . from McGill University in 1963 . D . from Harvard Medical School in 1968.
他1963年獲 MCGILL 大學學士學位,1968年獲哈佛大學醫學院醫學博士學位.
10. Miao jun , male, Medical Doctor, now worked in Tianjin Hospital spinal surgery department as attending doctor.
男, 醫學博士, 現為天津市天津醫院脊柱外科主治醫師.
11. But now his name was a little longer - the letter was signed, Theodore F . Stoddard, M. D.
不過,這次他的署名長了一點,信的落款是: 醫學博士西奧多·f·斯托達德.
12. Zhang Hongying: Associate Chief Physician, Doctor of Medical Imaging.
張洪英: 副主任醫師,醫學影像學博士.
13. Dr Klatsky said that all medical advice personalised to the individual.
14. Lester D . Friedman published in Academic Medicine Vol.77, No.4, 2002 .
Friedman 博士在美國醫學教育雜誌 AcademicMedicine 2002年第4期上發表的一篇論文編譯.
15. Dr. Jenner broke new ground in medicine.