
  同學們學習英語千萬不要偷懶哦,小編今天就給大家分享一下有關於英語情景對話,同學們有時間的一定要好好看看,才會更快的提升英語成績哦, 希望會對同學們的英語有幫助。



  A: Wow, it’s really hot today!

  B: I know. I feel I completely listless. Hey, let’s go to that new bar. It has air condition.

  A: 哇,今天真熱啊!

  B: 是啊。我一點精神都沒有。哎,我們去那家新開的酒吧就好了。那兒有空調。


  A: Bob was injured during the basketball game on the weekend, but his coach does not seem to care.

  B: Yes. He seems totally indifferent to the pain in Bob’s arm.

  A: Bob在週末的籃球賽上受傷了,不過他的教練似乎一點兒也不在乎。

  B: 是啊,他對Bob胳膊的傷痛完全無動於衷。


  listless: 興趣索然的;沒精打采的;因疲倦而百無聊賴的;不想振作的。

  indifferent: 不感興趣的;不關心的;淡漠的;無所謂的。



  A: Ted is the new boy in the class. He looks so bored with everything the teacher says.

  B: If you ask me, he looks arrogant and aloof – maybe he thinks he’s better than everyone else.

  A: Ted是班上的新同學。不管老師說什麼他似乎都引不起興趣。

  B: 要我說,他看上去傲慢冷淡——他也許覺得自己比任何人都強。


  A: Don’t be so indifferent to my idea. It might just work.

  B: No, I disagree. I think it will waste our time and money.

  A: 別把我的主意不當一回事,它沒準靈呢。

  B: 我可不這麼想,我覺得那隻會浪費我們的時間和金錢。


  arrogant: 傲慢的,自大的。

  aloof: 身體或情感冷漠超然的;冷淡的。

  indifferent: 不感興趣的;不關心的;淡漠的;無所謂的。

  work: 有效率;行得通。