before long
英 [biˈfɔ: lɔŋ] 美 [bɪˈfɔr lɔŋ]
soon after
英 [su:n ˈɑ:ftə] 美 [sun ˈæftɚ]
after a short while
但是不久之後 But soon after
也許不久之後 Maybe Sometime Later
不久之後又一年 Soon after another year
之後不久 Shortly after
Better days were soon to follow.
However, things began to change before long.
Bonus: It happened again soon afterwards in Georgia!
She has never ruled on gay marriage, an issue likely to come before the Supreme Court before long.
If the count steadily rises, then you can assume that either the app server or your code has a ClassLoader leak somewhere and will run out of PermGen space before long.
Despite the above, it is perfectly possible this man is unusually horrible and is making ever poorer decisions than others in your sector. If this is so, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it other than bide your time and know that he will get found out before long.
The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by the discovery that periodic reversals of the Earths magnetic field are recorded in the oceanic crust.
Very soon afterwards, he published his Essay Concerning Human Understandings and his Two Treatises of Government, both enormously influential works in their different spheres.
改進加固口袋的方法的專利在1873年獲得批准,不久之後,利維·斯特勞斯公司Levi Strauss Company在舊金山開設了第一家工廠,生產藍色牛仔褲。
The patent for improvement in fastening pocket-openings was granted in 1873, and soon after Levi Strauss Company opened its first San Francisco factory to manufacture bluejeans.
Start-ups in this later group received venture financing either right at their founding or soon after it, in contrast to earlier companies which often bootstrapped themselves for years before taking venture capital.
隨著越來越多的人嘗試讓自己聽起來更睿智,標準也越來越嚴格,不久之後,本來明智的人開始完全胡扯。最近,我讀了一篇對亞馬遜Amazon某一高階經理的採訪文章,他在文中解釋了招聘成功的祕訣:你的抬槓者bar raiser在每個招聘環節完成後也應該進行彙報。
As more people try to sound clever, the standard gets tougher, and before long formerly sensible people start talking absolute rot. Last week I read an interview with a senior manager at Amazon in which he explained the secret to his hiring success: Your bar raiser should also run the debrief after every hiring loop.
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