不丹人 Bhutanese;
不丹語 Bhutanese
不丹國旗 Flag of Bhutan
不丹地理 Geography of Bhutan
1. Then they decided to leave for Bhutan, then from Bhutan to Sikkim.
於是眾等決定前往不丹, 再從不丹轉往錫金.
2. Bhutan: an isolated country of central asia in the eastern Himalaya Mountains.
不丹: 中亞一自治國家,位於喜馬拉雅山脈東側.
3. I am one of the lucky few who have been to Bhutan.
4. Bhutan, Botswana and Jordan are low - income countries perceived to be relatively uncorrupt.
不丹 、 波札那和約旦均為 低收入 國家,但被感知的腐敗程度卻相對較輕.
5. And 90 % of the population in peasant agriculture, most Bhutanese remain poor.
而且,不丹90%的人口從事農業, 大多數人仍很貧窮.
6. Ethnic Composition: Bhutanese 60 %, Nepalese and other 40 %.
民族: 不丹族佔60%, 尼泊爾族等佔40%.
7. Bhutan is a small land - locked country.
8. Most Bhutanese applaud the king's rule.
9. I went to Bhutan with my mom.
10. Of the two parties, the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa *** DPT *** won 44 out of 47 seats.
兩個黨中, 不丹繁榮進步黨 *** DPT *** 贏得了47個席位中的44個.
11. It is premature to see the Bhutanese as Himalayan versions of the oil - rich Gulf Arabs.
12. Similar projects are underway in Nepal, India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga.
正在尼泊爾 、 印度和不丹及太平洋島國湯加實施類似專案.
13. Though furnished with free medicine and education, some 20 % of Bhutanese live below the poverty line.
儘管醫療和教育都是免費, 20%的不丹人仍生活在貧困線下.
14. An aerial search over mountains and dense forests bordering Bhutan turned up nothing, said Sahu.
15. Bhutan began to admIt'small number of tourists eager for a glimpse of an unspoiled Shangri - La.
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