
  Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy.下面是小編為大家帶來的學習英語手抄報內容,希望大家喜歡。


  I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

  I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.




  2:The Ox and the Dog

  An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.

  One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…”

  “Me? How about me ?” the ox says

  “You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.

  “Yes. It’s true,” the ox says. “But if I don’t plough, what do you guard?”


  一天, 狗驕傲地說著;‘我是多麼重要啊!白天我在牧場看護家群,晚上我看家。而你呢…..?”

  “我?我怎麼啦?“ 牛反問。


