vt. 節儉地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫;
變形 過去分詞: husbanded 複數: husbands 過去式: husbanded 現在分詞: husbanding 第三人稱單數: husbands
1. This past May, Susan Buffett was the second largest holder of Berkshire shares behind herhusband.
2. She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband and five children.
3. My husband also - his job, he's a surveillance technician in one of the local casinos.
4. Esfandiari's husband said her mother used the deed to her Tehran apartment to post bail.
5. Esfandiari's husband and the Wilson Center have said she was not permitted to speak to lawyers.
6. Even then, male Roshan managers deal with the father, the husband or a son.
7. But where does that leave the children, or the husband she has nothing but complaints about.
8. American expatriate in Paris Samantha Gadenne, 33, has already submitted an entry destined for her husband.
9. She talked about the way her husband helped her deal with multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.
10. Soon I realized this wasn't Mommy and Me, it was Mommy, Me and My Slacker Husband.
11. Before panning Ebay, she complains about it to her husband over the breakfast table.
12. They point to the exchange over the National Archives' release of her husband's papers.
13. Stone recently adopted a baby boy, Roan, with her husband, newspaper editor Phil Bronstein.
14. In a typical case, the husband has founded a closely held business and is its driving force.
15. Her husband, Praveen, has said that several times over a three-day period they asked for a termination.
I had no idea your husband had passed over.
Her husband left the firm for a better position in a bank.
As a husband,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.
Sometimes she carked about the health of her husband.
She parrots every view her husband has.
She split on her husband to the government.
Her husband always differs with her.
My husband housekeeps in our family.
She leafed through some old magazines while waiting for her husband.
Don't let her insults bias you against your husband.
He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband.
他婚姻美滿幸福,是位盡職盡責的父親, 忠實的丈夫。
The husband discorded with his wife.
The wife appeased her husband and went back home.
She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.
She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.
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