What are those
那些是什麼What are those 的英語例句
1. Excuse me. What are those for?
2. What are those two whispering to each other about?
他們倆嘰嘰咕咕地說些 什麼 ?
3. What are those strange objects?
4. What are those things that are dear to man? Are they not bubbles?
什麼是人類珍視的東西 呢 ?難道不都是些煙雲泡影 嗎 ?
5. What are those lacerations on her arms and feet?
6. What are those goofy - looking things on their heads?
7. Yes. but what are those cube of white stuff?
愛吃.不過那一塊塊白的東西是 什麼 ?
8. Monitor : you said the class studying atomosphere had problems, what are those problems?
班長: 你說班風有問題, 你能說出來是什麼問題 嗎 ?
9. What are those repulsive - looking birds of prey in the cage beside them?
10. What are those animals that are carved on the stones?
11. Can you see what are those on the tree?
看到樹上藏的是什麼 嗎 ?
12. What are those little guys standing by the pool? Penguins!
水邊站著的都是啥? 企鵝耶!
13. A : What are those on the hills? B : They're trees.
在山上的那些是什麼? B: 它們是樹.
14. A : What are those small red flowers sprouting up in the branches?
15. What are those children about now?
那些孩子們正在為啥 爭吵 ?
1. Unidentified items - What is THAT in that takeout box? Toss.
不明物體 —— 中餐外帶盒裡的那些是什麼? 扔掉吧.
2. A : What are those on the hills? B : They're trees.
在山上的那些是什麼? B: 它們是樹.
3. What are those? Those are cups.
那些是什麼? 那些是茶杯.
4. You better take this.
5. What size are those you have there?
6. What are those? They are notebooks.
那些是什麼? 它們是筆記本.
7. A: What are those in the fridge?
8. Excuse me. What are those for?
9. What are those strange objects?
10. " I found out what your'drug - stores'were. "
“ 我打聽了出來你那些‘藥房 ’ 是什麼名堂. ”
11. These are general obligations, whatever they might be.
那些是普通義務債券, 而不管它們是什麼樣子.
12. What about all those staff cars?
13. You'll get nothing from me. What do you mean by your insinuations, anyhow? "
你別想從我手裡拿到錢, 你那些含沙射影的話是什麼意思? ”
14. We may in fact, see for the first time what those essentials are.
事實是, 我們可能是第一次看出來那些本質的東西是什麼.
15. What are those lacerations on her arms and feet?
- 那些是什麼的英文
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