computer specialty
This activity attracts the attention of the students majoring in software and computer speciality,as well as some students experted in arts.
As a English major engaged in the internet business, I have to be very humble, especially in the presence of computer science experts and professionals like you.
Fourth, the weary index of the students in International Trade, Accounting and Kindergarten Teaching is obvious lower than that of the students in NC and Computer Science.
Company officials point to the fact that more than one-fifth of the world's computer science students are now in Chinese universities.
I am a computer professional to learn more since I am more interested in English, and learn a lot more difficult to reach the normal professional terms, and some computer expertise.
Based on the characteristics of computer profession English, this paper discusses the teaching methods of this course so as to promote the learning and teaching of computer profession English.
The building of computer labs must be in conformity with the development of the specialty courses.
Data Structures is an important and basic technical lesson of the computer department.
Dynamic web design has become the master stream of web design and also an important course for the computer majors.
MS or PhD required in engineering/computer science with strong emphasis on decisioning and planning algorithms, distributed computing and/or embedded systems.
My major is computer. I went in for the development of software after graduation.
An entire generation of computer professionals had come to power doing just the opposite.
Wang Xuejun, a Hubei University of Technology computer major, is considered a bit weird by his classmates.
It's hard to explain to a fresh computer-science graduate why you needconventions and engineering discipline.
The Times of India quotes the court as having offered the following statement tothe young man. "You are a computer student and you know how many peopleaccess internet portals.
Even the most quirky of computer nerds can learn to flirt with finesse thanks to anew "flirting course" being offered to budding IT engineers at Potsdam Universitysouth of Berlin.
Rick Alexander, 24, another tester, has a degree in computer science from theIllinois Institute of Technology and completed an internship developing softwarefor the city of Chicago.
I graduated from Beijing University in 2006, and hold aBachelor of Sciencedegree in Computer Science.
Most people are social. Nerdy, basement-dwelling computer science grad students are the exception.
The Times of India quotes the court as having offered the following statement to the young man. "You are a computer student and you know how many peopleaccess internet portals.
Lowtec, a college sophomore studying computer engineering, figures that 10% of the students at his school which he declined to name share files through DirectConnect.
At a first rate university this might include the top half of computer science majors.
A computer science major, Ma instead hopes to land a job as a secretary orreceptionist with a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, or roughly $290.
This was the vision that David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at YaleUniversity, put forward in his book “Mirror Worlds” in the early 1990s.
The earliest effort of this kind in the United States was Resource One, thecreation of a group of Berkeley computer folk who had come together during theCambodian crisis of Spring 1970.
Here is what Joel Spolsky wrote in Advice for Computer Science College Studentsregarding what he - as recruiter - looks for in resumes
Paint.net was originally the senior project of some computer science students atWashington State University, taken on under the mentorship of Microsoft.
Later this week, aspiring app creators will be able to start watching a popularStanford computer science course on developing iPhone apps right on theiriPhones.
Take risks: Google GOOG VP Marissa Mayer had a slew of job offers from well-known companies in 1999 when she was coming out of Stanford University with aMasters in Computer Science.
Marcus developed the idea for a memory-enhancing brain chip after writing his2008 book "Kluge" whose title refers to the computer-science word for a clumsy solution.
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