急救first aid emergency treatment
急救用品first-aid material
急救人員first-aid personnel
骨折急救first aid of fracture
急救醫療系統emergency medical system
急救發電機stand-by generator
急救措施emergency treatment first aid treatment
急救組織first-aid organization
急救藥品first-aid medicine
急救藥箱first-aid kit
急救裝置survival kit
急救合格證書【法】 certificate of competency in first aid
急救創傷first aid injury
急救醫務人員EMT = emergency medical technician emergency medical technician
急救工作emergency work rescue service
急救材料first-aid supply
急救氧氣袋EOP = emergency oxygeny pack
急救電話ambulance call
急救蓮蓬頭emergency shower
急救容許劑量acceptable emergency dose
綠色急救通道emergency green path
行動式急救呼吸輔助器portable respiration aiding machine
急救縫合手術包emergency suture set
輕便急救航天器portable emergency spacecraft
傷員急救用品first-aid-to-the-injured appliance
急救入院者【醫】 casual
急救醫療組織【醫】 E. M. S.
輕便急救航天器portable emergency spacecraft
行動式急救呼吸輔助器portable respiration aiding machine
消防和急救管理聯合會Alliance for Fire & Emergency Management
國際搶救和急救協會IRFAA = International rescue and First Aid Association
急救多用外傷敷料包multi-trauma dressing pack
急救氣管切開器械包emergency tracheotomy instruments set
袖珍急救輸液輸血泵pocket first-aid pump for fluid infusion and blood transfusion
急救醫務和技術援助服務計劃Emergency Medical Services Technical Support Services Program
袋式人工呼吸器<一種急救用呼吸器具bag mask resuscitator