Sunlight comes creeping in
Illuminates our skin
We watch the day go by
Stories of all we did
It made me think of you
It made me think of you
Under a trillion stars
We danced on top of cars
Took pictures of the stage
So far from where we are
They made me think of you
They made me think of you
Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just want to be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We remember tonight
For the rest of our lives
I'm in a foreign state
My thoughts they slip away
My words are leaving me
They go another place
Because I thought of you
Just from the thought of you
Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just want to be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We remember tonight
For the rest of our lives
If these wings could fly
Oh lights go down
In the moment we're lost and found
I just want to be by your side
If these wings could fly
Oh damn these walls
In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We remember tonight
For the rest of our lives
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