


  1. What's she like 她是怎麼樣的人

  2. 或她長得如何 What does / do sb. look like

  3. have a look看一看

  4. come back回來

  5. something to eat/drink一些吃/ 喝的東西

  6. introduce sb. to sb. 把……介紹給……

  7. See you later.一會兒見.

  8. thanks for sth. ; thanks for doing sth.謝謝……

  9. last message上一封信

  10. hear from收到……的來信=get a letter from

  11. can't wait to meet you迫不及待地想見到你 -- can't wait to do sth.

  12. I hope to do sth. / hope + 從句…我希望……

  13. recognize me認出我

  14. arrive at the airport到達機場

  15. arrive at / in +地方 =get to+地方= reach+地方

  16. by plane= take a plane fly to + 地方=take the plane to + 地方=go to + 地方by plane.

  17. travel around the world環遊世界

  18. on TV 在電視上

  19. invite sb to do sth 邀請某人去做某事

  20. the price of sth. 某物的價格


  1. all over 遍及

  2. take off 起飛 land著陸

  3. Spring Festival 春節

  4. write about sth. 寫關於……

  5. western food 西餐

  6. a fantastic experience 一次奇妙的經歷

  7. more than =over 超過

  8. give concerts 開音樂會

  9. enter*** =take part in ***a competition 參加競賽

  10. sell out 賣光

  11. sound brilliant sound+ adj.形容詞 聽起來好極了

  12. taste delicious taste + adj.形容詞 嚐起來美味的

  13. what kind of… 什麼的種類……

  14. what's the price of …什麼的價格……

  15. have / has been to+地方 去過某地***已回來***

  16. a wonderful experience 一次極好的經歷

  17. have a wonderful time 過得開心

  18. come true 實現

  19. in newspaper 在報紙裡

  20. roast duck 烤鴨


  1. smell delicious聞起來美味的 smell +adj.

  2. feel tight摸起來緊的 feel + adj.

  3. look strong看起來強壯的 look + adj.

  4. smell sour聞起來酸的 smell + adj.

  5. taste salty嚐起來鹹的 taste + adj.

  6. sound quiet聽起來安靜的 sound + adj.

  7. make a pizza做比薩

  8. have some!吃一些吧!

  9. What's the matter with sb. 什麼事 =What's wrong with sb.

  10. too strong氣味太濃,太強壯 too+ adj.表示太…

  11. I am afraid.我害怕. be afraid of ***doing*** sth.

  12. chocolate cookies巧克力甜餅

  13. have a try!試一下吧!

  14. really sweet真的甜really + adj.

  15. much better好得多much+ 比較級

  16. a lovely sweater穿一件可愛的毛衣

  17. soft and comfortable軟和舒服的

  18. you both你們倆,both放於行為動詞前,be動詞後

  19. much food.許多食品much+ 不可數名詞 many+可數名詞複數

  20. have a party開會

