There is perhaps no other event in the natur al world that is as characteristic of a season as a full chor us of spring peepers . It is not only that the voices of living things are calling once more after the long silence of winter , there is something about the atmosphere in which the chorus takes place that epitomized the season . There is a certain moist of smell in the air on rainy spring nights , slow mists rise from rafts of ice floating on dark marshes , everywhere on roads through wetareas the small white forms of migr ating spring peepers and frogs in woods and ponds appear , and all round you the air will be filled with a high bell-like ringing , a lit tle like a distant horse-drawn sleigh . That distant chorus is the voice of the spring peeper , a small tree frog no larger than the end of a little finger . Throughout history natur alists have referred to it as the voice of spring .
In actuality you may be a long way from the pond or marsh where the peepers are calling , The voice of spring peepers can carry as much as a mile on still spring nights , and once you learn to recognize that song , there will be nights when it is difficult to escape their incessant calling . The sound will accompany you th rough spring , a sort of background music to the events that will be taking place around you during the season
· Pa ragr aph 1 — Chorus of spring peepers cha ract eristic of the coming of spring , hence the voice of spring
· Paragraph 2 — T he distant calling of spring peepe rs serves as background music and gives people pleasure .
本文是一篇描寫文。文中描寫了自然界一種生動而美麗的景象: 雨天春夜裡小小的雨蛙和其它蛙類合奏共鳴, 時近時遠,聲聲悅耳動聽, 使大氣中充滿了春的氣息, 使人們倍感清新愉悅。本文為英語專業四級也可供其他考生欣賞和學習並熟悉描寫文體。
as characteristic of a season as a full chorus of spring peepers 像春天雨蛙的共鳴一樣標誌著一個季節的到來
epitomize v . 集中體現
moist smell in the air 空氣中溼潤的氣味
slow mists rise f rom r afts of ice floating on dark marsh 霧氣從浮在陰暗的沼澤地的冰排上緩緩升起
small white forms = spring peepers bell-like ringing 鈴聲般的叫聲
distant horse-dr awn sleigh 遠處馬拖雪撬的聲音
naturalist n . 自然學家
refer to . . . as . . . 把⋯⋯稱作為⋯⋯
in actuality = in fact
pond n . 池塘
still a . 寂靜的
incessant a . 不斷的, 連續的
background music 背景音樂
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