In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which a participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants. If the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero.
通俗一點解釋,零和遊戲就是“損人利己”,而和"零和遊戲"對應的是“雙贏”win-win result概念,即“利己不損人”,通過談判、合作達到皆大歡喜的結果。
歸來吧! 匯豐銀行總部或遷回香港
With HSBC threatening to move its headquarters out of London, one city comes to mind as its potential new home: Hong Kong, the “H” in its name.
Set up in 1865 and headquartered in both then-British colony Hong Kong and China’s financial center Shanghai as the bank that greased the wheels of British trade, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. moved its headquarters to London in 1993 after it bought one of the U.K.’s top retail banks in the early 1990s.
易詞解詞BY 丁朝陽
grease the wheels 使順利進行
近義短語:go off without a hitch 順利進行hitch 掛鉤>故障
* You need effective marketing and administration to grease the wheels of your company. 你需要實行有效的市場營銷及管理策略促進公司的發展。
Its acquisition of Midland Bank, which had retail branches in almost every British city at that time, lifted the bank’s U.K earnings.
易詞解詞BY 丁朝陽
acquisition n. 獲得物,獲得
{ac- < ad-, to 向,就 + -quis-, seek 尋求 + -ition = -ation 名詞字尾}
又如:exquisite 精緻的;disquisition探討;inquisitor審問者
But Hong Kong remains the source of the biggest chunk of profits at the bank founded by Thomas Sutherland, a Scot, 150 years ago. Last year it made up 44% of the global bank’s pre-tax profit of US$18.7 billion, while the U.K. recorded a US$56 million pre-tax loss.
The bank has a huge retail banking presence in the city, while its investment banking operations in Hong Kong have benefited from a surge in yuan-bond issuance in recent years.
A big employer in the city of 7 million, HSBC had 30,000 employees there at the end of last year, accounting for 11.3% of its total workforce. It is a joint sponsor of the city’s biggest annual international sporting event, the Hong Kong sevens rugby tournament.
Its Hong Kong headquarters, housed in a glass-building designed by star architect Norman Foster, also is a reminder of the bank’s place in the city’s history. The 47-story structure, the world’s most expensive building when it was built for almost $700 million in 1985, occupies a prime spot flanking the city’s legislative building, or parliament, with unobstructed views of the harbor.
易詞解詞BY 丁朝陽
flank n. 側面 vt. 位於…的側面
* The army was attacked on the left flank. 部隊的左翼受到攻擊。 n.
* The hall was flanked by two towers. 大廳的兩側各有一座高樓。 vt.
This city with laws independent to those of the Chinese mainland also has one of the world’s lowest corporate tax rates: at 16.5%, it remains below Britain’s 20%.
Speculation over the bank’s plans prompted Hong Kong’s banking watchdog to say it would take a “positive attitude” to any decision by HSBC to relocate its headquarters to the city.
“HSBC is the largest bank in Hong Kong and has deep historical links with Hong Kong,” the Hong Kong Monetary Authority said in a statement on Friday.
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