


1. 學會學習的人,是非常幸福的人。He who learns to learn is a very happy man.

2. A good book is the rich and precious vein of a great mind. - Milton

3. 正是問題激發我們去學習,去實踐,去觀察。It is the problems that inspire us to learn,practice and observe.

4. 一些書可以淺嘗即止;一些書可以狼吞虎嚥;而有些書則需要細嚼慢嚥,好好消化。 ----培根The three foundations of learning; seeing much,suffering much,and studying much. ----Catherall

5. The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass. 疾風知勁草。

6. Wisdom comes from diligence,and greatness comes from the ordinary.智慧源於勤奮,偉大出自平凡。

7. 學乃身之寶,儒為席上珍。君看為宰相,必用讀書人。Learning is the treasure of the body,while Confucianism is the treasure of the table. As prime minister,you must use a scholar.

8. 想要懂得一門知識,先得承認自己無知。If you want to know a knowledge,you have to admit your ignorance.

9. 讀書之於精神,恰如運動之於身體。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

10. 自得讀書樂,不邀為善名。Read for pleasure,not invite to be a good name.

11. 立志是讀書人最要緊的一件事。Decision is the most important thing for a scholar.

12.,the book is the elderly friend,is the young teacher. - Shimeiersi

13. 我們讀書越多,就越發現我們是無知的。The more we read,the more we discover that we are ignorant.

14. 欲速是讀書第一大病,功夫中在綿密不間斷,不在不速也。Acceleration is the most serious disease in reading. In Kungfu,there is no interruption,nor unexpectedness.

15. 智慧就是懂得該忽略什麼的技巧。 ----威廉-詹姆斯Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. ----Thomas Paine

16.,time to give people experience,reading to the human knowledge. I

17. 沒有良心的知識,會毀滅人的靈魂。Knowledge without conscience will destroy human soul.

18. 各種蠢事,在每天閱讀書的影響下,彷彿在火上一樣,漸漸溶化。All kinds of foolish things,under the influence of reading books every day,seem to be on fire,gradually melting.

19. 知識不存在的地方,愚蠢便自命為科學。Where knowledge does not exist,stupidity pretends to be science.

20. 養兒不讀書,不如養頭豬。Raising children is better than raising pigs.

21. There is no substitute for hard work. --- Thomas Edison想讓燈光不斷照耀,我們就只要不斷添油。 特麗莎修女

22. 讀書之法,在循序漸進,熟讀而精思。The method of reading is gradual,proficient and thoughtful.

23. a bosorn friend after brings distant land near海記憶體知己,天涯若比鄰.

24. Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself. learning foreign languages should be fun. 放鬆點!要有耐性,並讓自己快樂!學習外語應該是樂趣無窮的。

25. 無知並非純真,而是罪惡。 ----羅伯特-布朗寧Knowledge comes,but wisdom lingers. ----A. Tennyson

26.,learning demands the greatest tension and enthusiasm for people. - Pavlov

27. God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

28. 天子重英豪,文章教兒曹。萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高。The Son of Heaven emphasizes heroism,and the article teaches Cao. Everything is inferior,but reading is high.

29. 沒有知識的旅遊者是一隻沒有翅膀的鳥。A tourist without knowledge is a bird without wings.

30. 讀書是最好的學習,追隨偉大人物的思想,是富有趣味的事情啊。Reading is the best learning. It is interesting to follow the thoughts of great people.

31. 要麼旅行,要麼讀書,身體和靈魂必須有一個在路上。Either traveling or reading,body and soul must have one on the way.

32. 有人說學習可以成就一切,而我更願意為學習付出一切。Some people say that learning can accomplish everything,but I prefer to give everything for learning.

33.,reading more books,learning more and seeking experience is the guarantee of future. - Roman Roland

34. 只有通過工作和鬥爭,人才能獲得自己的獨創性和自尊。 ----駝斯妥也夫斯基Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless times you interrupt yourself. ----Brendan Francis

35. 讀書不知要領,勞而無功。Reading does not know the main points,but it does not work.

36.,infinity! There are no other questions that deeply touched the human mind. - Hilbert

37. 我讀書越多,書籍就使我和世界越接近,生活對我也變得越加光明和有意義。The more I read,the closer I get to the world and the brighter and more meaningful life becomes for me.

38. 努力讀書吧,這是獲取平靜心情的有效途徑。Read hard. It's an effective way to get calm.

39.,learning is an unusual and precious thing. It is no shame to absorb from any source. - Abu Ge Faraz

40. 青年是學習智慧的時期,中年是付諸實踐的時期。Youth is the time to learn wisdom,and middle age is the time to put it into practice.

41. Only the selfless can be fearless. 無私才能無畏。