1、忍耐是苦澀的,但它的果實卻是甘甜的。Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet。
2、勞動是社會中每個人不可避免的義務。Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably。
3、人生而自由,卻無往不在枷鎖中。Born free and is everywhere in chains。
4、生活本身沒有任何價值,它的價值在於怎樣使用它。Life itself has no value, its value lies in how to use it。
5、大自然希望兒童在成人以前就要像兒童的樣子。Nature to children before adult would be like children。
6、一目瞭然的拙劣諂媚絕不會出之於善意。Be clear at a glance the botched flattery will never out of goodwill。
7、因為做有意義的事情,其本身就是對生活的享受。Because to do something meaningful, its itself is the enjoyment of life。
8、大雨可以延遲我們到達的時間,但不能阻止我們前進。Rain can delay time we arrived, but can prevent us from moving forward。
9、當一個人一心一意做好事情的時候,他最終是必然會成功的。When a person is undivided attention when doing things, he is bound to succeed。
10、裝飾對於德行也同樣是格格不入的,因為德行是靈魂的力量和生氣。Decoration for virtue is also, as virtue is the power of the soul and angry。
11、我深信祇有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖國致以可被接受的敬禮。I'm convinced that the only a moral citizens can be acceptable to his motherland salute。
12、真正的自由不是你想做什麼就做什麼,而是你不想做什麼就不做什麼。True freedom is not what you want to do is to do, but you don't want to do is not to do。
13、不要教他這樣那樣的學問,而要由他自己去發現哪些學問。Don't teach him this or that kind of knowledge, rather than by himself to find what kind of knowledge。
14、出自造物主手中的東西,都是好的,而一到了人的手裡,就全變壞了。From the hands of the creator, is good, and once in the hand of the people, all gone bad。
15、你要宣揚你的一切,不必用你的言語,要用你的本來面目。Are you going to promote your all, don't have to use your words, want to use your true colors。
16、讀書不要貪多,而是要多加思索,這樣的讀書使我獲益不少。Don't take on too much reading, but to think more, such a reading make me benefit a lot。
17、追得太凶,愛情就跑得快,甚至把對方僅剩的一點好感,也趕得無影無蹤。Chasing too fierce, love is fast, even only a little love, the other is cast。
18、對於一個善於理解幸福的人,旁人無論如何也不能讓他真正潦倒。For a good at understanding people happiness, others no matter how to also can't let him really down and out。
19、問題不在於他學到的是什麼樣的知識,而在於他所學的知識要有用處。The question is not whether he learned what kind of knowledge, but that he learned knowledge to be useful。
20、要記住,人之所以走入迷途,並不是由於他的無知,而是由於他自以為知。Remember, the reason why people go astray, and not because of his ignorance, but because he thinks he knows。
21、生活得最有意義的人,並不就是年歲活得最長的人,而是對生活最有感受的人。Years to live the most meaningful, is not to live the longest, but the life most feelings of people。
22、最強者也不能總是強大得足以永遠作主人,除非他能把力量轉化為權利和服從的義務。The strongest also can not always be strong enough to masters forever, unless he can put the power into the rights and subject to duty。
23、我們之所以產生嫉妒的心理,是由於社會的慾望,而不是由於原始的本能。The reason we produce envy of mental state, was due to the desire of the society, rather than as a result of the original instinct。
24、寧可讓兒童一個字也不識,也不要使他為了學到這一些學問而把其他有用的東西都犧牲了。Would rather let the children could not a word, don't make him to learn that some knowledge and other useful things sacrificed。
25、性格軟弱,至多隻能做到不犯罪惡,如果還要侈談高尚的美德,那就是狂妄和大膽了。Weak character, at most only do not make crime, if need to engage in the luxury of noble virtue, it's madness and bold。
26、唯獨在這些孤獨和沉思默想的時刻,我才是真正的我,才是和我的天性相符的我,我才既無憂煩又無羈束。But in these moments of loneliness and meditation, I is the real me, is the nature of me, and I I didn't have vexed and freedom。
27、我從事一項前無古人、後無來者的事業。我要把一個人的真實面目全部地展示在世人面前;此人便是我。I'm engaged in an unprecedented, after work。 I am going to put a person's true nature all display in front of the world; This person is me。
28、一個人的心是隻服從他自己的,你想束縛它,結果卻釋放了它;如果讓它自由自在的話,你反而把它束縛得緊緊的了。A person's heart is only to obey his own, you want to restrain it, the result is released it; If you let it free, instead, put it tied tightly。
29、當人民被迫服從而服從時,他們做的對。但是,一旦人民可以打破自己身上的桎梏而打破它時,他們就做的更對。When people were forced to obey and obey, they did the right thing。 But once people to break the shackles of themselves and break it, they will do more of。
30、人是生而自由的,但卻常困在枷鎖之中。自以為是其他一切人的主人,反比其他一切人更是奴隸。Man is born free, but they are often trapped in chains。 The master of self-righteousness, all other people, is all other people is a slave。
31、你什麼也舍不捨犧牲,結果你什麼也得不到,由於你一心追逐你的慾念,結果你是永遠也不能夠滿足你的慾念的。What you give up give up sacrifice as well, and as a result, you get nothing, because you chase your desire in my heart, the result is you can never satisfy your desires。
32、問題不在於教他各種學問,而在於培養他有愛好學問的興趣,而且在這種興趣充分成長起來的時候,叫他以研究學問的方法。Problem is not to teach him all kinds of knowledge, but he has a hobby of learning interest, and at the time of this interest fully grown up, call him to study the method of learning。