英國樂團,在搖滾樂高潮期進入音樂界。樂團四名成員皆生於利物浦,分別是保羅麥卡尼、約翰藍儂、哈里遜(George Harrison,1943~2001)、斯塔爾(Ringo Starr,1940~)。樂團始於1956年保羅麥卡尼與約翰藍儂的搭檔,1957年哈里遜加入,這三人外加薩克利夫(Stu Sutcliffe,1940~1962)和後來的貝斯特(Pete Best,1941~)於1960年取名披頭合唱團。1962年該團簽訂一份唱片合約,並由斯塔爾取代貝斯特。1962~1963年發行的唱片包括〈請取悅我〉和〈我想握你的手〉,使他們成為英國最受歡迎的搖滾樂團,1964年「披頭熱」席捲美國。披頭合唱團的音樂原受美國歌手查克貝里、艾維斯普里斯萊和哈利等人啟發,他們的直接和充滿活力的歌曲使他們盤據流行排行榜之首達數年之久。他們的長髮和服裝品味的影響遍及全世界,而吸食迷幻藥和信奉印度神祕主義的行徑也一樣影響巨大。在保證暢銷下,他們感到可以自由地實驗新的音樂形式和編曲。結果產生各種不同的歌曲,從民謠〈昨日〉到繁複節奏的曲調如〈平裝書作者〉,從兒歌如〈黃色潛水艇〉到社會批判歌曲〈艾琳娜.裡格比〉等。1966年他們告別公開演出。披頭合唱團製作的《橡膠靈魂》(1965)、《左輪手槍》(1966)和《披頭合唱團》(又稱「白色專輯」;1968)等為搖滾樂確立了新的潮流。1967年他們製作了《比柏軍曹寂寞芳心俱樂部》,這個專輯在整體概念上是一部戲劇,在使用電子音樂和顯然是舞臺上無法重現的錄音室作品方面也是新鮮的。他們還在兩部影片《一夜狂歡》(1964)和《救命》(1965)中演出。樂團在1971年解散。
English version:
British musical group that ushered in the climactic phase of rock music. Its members,all born in Liverpool,were Paul McCartney,John Lennon,George Harrison (born 1943),and Ringo Starr (born 1940). It began in the pairing of McCartney and Lennon in 1956,joined by Harrison in 1957,along with Stu Sutcliffe (1940-1962) and later Pete Best (born 1941). In 1960 they adopted the name The Beatles. In 1962 they signed a recording contract and replaced Best with Starr. The release in 1962-63 of such songs as “Please Please Me” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” made them England's most popular rock group,and in 1964 “Beatlemania” struck the U.S. Originally inspired by Chuck Berry,Elvis Presley,and Bill Haley,their direct and energetic songs kept them at the top of popularity charts. Their long hair and tastes in dress proved influential throughout the world,as did their experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs and Indian mysticism. Guaranteed huge sales,they felt free to experiment with a mix ranging from ballads (“Yesterday”) to complex rhythm tunes (“Paperback Writer”),from children's songs (“Yellow Submarine”) to songs of social comment (“Eleanor Rigby”). Their public performances ended in 1966. Albums such as Rubber Soul (1965),Revolver (1966) and The Beatles (“White Album,” 1968) set new trends in rock. In 1967 they produced Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,an album novel for its conception as a dramatic whole,use of electronic music,and character as a studio work unreproducible on stage. They appeared in the films A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help! (1965). The group dissolved in 1971.