
注音 ㄗˋ ㄇ一ㄥˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄈㄢˊ

拼音 zì mìng bù fán




⒈  自以為不平凡、水平很高。

consider oneself no ordinary being; have a high opinion of oneself; think no end of oneself; fancy oneself;

自愧不如:  慚愧自己不如別人。英consider oneself inferior to another; feel ashamed of one's inferiority;

虛懷若谷:  胸懷像山谷那樣深而且寬廣,善於接受別人意見和觀點。例此誠我皇上虛懷若谷,從諫弗咈之盛心也。——《清史稿·柴潮生傳》英be extremely open-minded; have a receptive mind as a hollow mountain arouses echoes;

妄自菲薄:  不知自重,輕視自身價值。例天地生才有限,不宜妄自菲薄。——《老殘遊記》英undervalue yourself; improperly belittle oneself; unduly humble oneself;

自暴自棄:  自暴,猶言自害;自棄,不求上進。指不求上進,甘心落後。英be backward and have no urge to make progress; abandon oneself to despair; give oneself up as hopeless;

自愧弗如:  自感不如別人而內心慚愧。

自慚形穢:  因在相貌方面不如他人而感到慚愧,泛指慚愧。英have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy; feel unworthy;