注音 一ㄤˊ ㄊㄤ ㄓˇ ㄈㄟˋ
拼音 yáng tāng zhǐ fèi
⒈ 把沸水舀起來再倒回去,以圖阻止住沸騰。比喻不成功的補救辦法,辦法不徹底,不能從根本上解決問題。
英ineffectual remedy as one who tries to stop water from boiling by scooping it up and pouring it back;
釜底抽薪: 把柴火從鍋底抽掉。比喻從根本上解決問題。軍事上是指從根本上打敗敵人的謀略。例如今有個道理,是“釜底抽薪”之法。——清·吳敬梓《儒林外史》英take away the firewood from under the cauldron; (fig) take a drastic measure to deal with a situation;
抽薪止沸: 抽去鍋底柴薪,以止息鍋內湯液的滾沸外溢。比喻從根本上解決問題。英stop the boiling by taking out the fire; (fig) take drastic measures to stop sth.;
拔本塞源: 亦作“拔本塞原”。