
注音 ㄓㄥˋ ㄖㄣˊ ㄐㄨㄣ ㄗˇ

拼音 zhèng rén jūn zǐ




⒈  品行端正而無私的人。

zaddik; man of moral integrity;

⒉  現在常用來諷刺假裝正經的角色。



老奸巨猾:  深歷世故,十分奸詐狡猾的人。例老奸巨猾,匿身州懸,舞法擾民。——《宋史·食貨志》英crafty old scoundrel; deep old file; shrewd and crafty; great hypocrite; old hand at trickery and deception; sly wily old fox;

拈花惹草:  比喻挑逗異性;淫亂。

邪門歪道:  指不正當的門路、手段等。英crooked means; dishonest methods;

酒色之徒:  奢侈淫逸的人,一心追求奢侈享受和肉慾滿足的人。例他是一個酒色之徒。英voluptuary;

人面獸心:  本為古代鄙視匈奴的詞。例夷狄之人,被髮左衽,人面獸心。——《史記·匈奴傳》英have the face of a man but the heart of a beast;⒉  後指人的面孔,野獸心腸。例又觀頃日降附之徒,皆人面獸心,貪而無親,難以義感。——《晉書·孔嚴傳》

歪門邪道:  不正當的途徑;壞主意。英crooked ways; dishonest practice; under-counter business;

尋花問柳:  遊賞風景;狎妓。例[珏齋]與唐卿至親,意氣也很相投,都不會尋花問柳。——《孽海花》英run around; be on the racket;

三教九流:  三教指儒教、道教、佛教,九流指儒家者流、陰陽家者流、道家者流、法家者流、名家者流、墨家者流、縱橫家者流、雜家者流、農家者流。英the three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools of thought (the Confucians, the Taoists, the Yin-Yang, the Legalists, the Logicians, the Mohists, the Political Strategists, the Ecletics and the Agriculturists);⒉  宗教學術中的各種流派。英various religious sects and academic schools;⒊  各行各業的人——常含貶義。英people in various trades;

投機取巧:  耍小聰明,利用時機謀取私利。例投機取巧最可恥。英speculate and take advantage of opportunity; resort to dubious shifts to further one's interest; seize every chance to gain advantage by trickey;

老奸巨滑:  奸:奸詐;滑:狡猾。形容世故深而手段極其奸詐狡猾的人。

跳樑小醜:  比喻上竄下跳、猖狂搗亂而又微不足道的人。英contemptible wretch; buffoon; clown; petty burglar;

雞鳴狗盜:  戰國時,齊國孟嘗君被秦國扣留。他的一個門客裝做狗夜裡潛入秦宮,偷出本已獻給秦王的狐白裘獻給秦王的愛姬,才得釋放。孟嘗君深夜到函谷關,城門緊閉,他的另一個門客學公雞叫,騙開城門,才得脫險逃回齊國(見於《史記·孟嘗君列傳》)。後來用‘雞鳴狗盜’比喻微不足道的技能。


樑上君子:  躲在樑上的人。竊賊的代稱。例吾近護魏王葬,得數千緡,略已散去,此樑上君子當是不知耳。——宋·蘇軾《東坡志林》英gentleman on the beam—burglar thief;

鼠竊狗盜:  指小偷小盜。例此特群盜鼠竊狗盜耳,何足置之齒牙間!——《史記·劉敬叔孫通列傳》英play petty tricks on the sly like rats that filch and dogs that snatch;⒉  也作“鼠竊狗偷”例自隋朝維絕,宇縣瓜分,小則鼠竊狗偷,大則鯨吞虎據。——《舊唐書·蕭銑等傳論》

臧倉小人:  臧倉:戰國時魯國人。臧倉是個奸詐的小人。指進讒害賢的小人。

男盜女娼:  男的做盜賊,女的做娼妓。借指行為卑劣骯髒。英behave like thieves and prostitutes; the male are robbers and the female harlots;