
注音 ㄨㄤˋ ㄗˋ ㄗㄨㄣ ㄉㄚˋ

拼音 wàng zì zūn dà




⒈  雖無真才實學,卻自命不凡,盲目驕傲自大。


self-conceited; lump large; play the peacock;

搖尾乞憐:  指狗向主人搖尾討好的樣子。比喻人卑躬屈膝,討好別人的醜態。語出唐·韓愈《應科目時與人書》:“若俯首帖耳,搖尾而乞憐者,非我之志也。”英abjectly beg for pity(mercy); wag the tail ingratiatingly;

自愧不如:  慚愧自己不如別人。英consider oneself inferior to another; feel ashamed of one's inferiority;

顧影自憐:  顧盼自己的身影,獨自可憐嘆惜。形容身世悲涼、失意。例舉頭見明月,顧影徒自憐。——《元文類·安熙·擬古》英self-affected; look at one's image in the mirror and lament one's lot;

妄自菲薄:  不知自重,輕視自身價值。例天地生才有限,不宜妄自菲薄。——《老殘遊記》英undervalue yourself; improperly belittle oneself; unduly humble oneself;

自暴自棄:  自暴,猶言自害;自棄,不求上進。指不求上進,甘心落後。英be backward and have no urge to make progress; abandon oneself to despair; give oneself up as hopeless;

自輕自賤:  自己貶低自己;自甘墮落。英belittle oneself; lack self-confidence or self-respect;

不矜不伐:  矜、伐:自誇自大。不自經為了不起,不為自己吹噓。形容謙遜。

自慚形穢:  因在相貌方面不如他人而感到慚愧,泛指慚愧。英have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy; feel unworthy;

自知之明:  能正確認識自己、瞭解自己的長處和短處。例他真是個毫無自知之明的、狂妄的人。人貴有自知之明。英self-knowledge; wisdom to know oneself;

望洋興嘆:  本義指在偉大的事物面前感嘆自己的微小,今多比喻想做一件事而又無能為力,無可奈何。英lament one's littleness before the vast ocean -bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great task;

三顧茅廬:  東漢末,劉備三次往隆中(山名,在今湖北襄陽)聘請隱居於草廬的諸葛亮出來幫助打天下。後用來指誠心誠意再三邀請或訪問。英repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post; call on a famous scholar repeadedly to solicit his help; make three calls at a thatshed cottage and request the owner to take up a responsible post;