注音 ㄕˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄑ一ˊ ㄏㄨˇ
拼音 shì chéng qí hǔ
⒈ 比喻做某事過程中遇到障礙,但由於形勢的需要,不可能就此罷手的情況。
英be in a dilemma; be afraid to go on and unable to get down as one who rides on a tiger;
得心應手: 技藝純熟,做事順手,盡合心意。例氣足則調自振,意深則味有餘,得心應手,無一字不穩愜。——清·趙翼《甌北詩話》英serviceable; handy; have everything under one's perfect control;⒉ 運用自如。例他對英語的掌握如此得心應手。英masterly; with facility;
一帆風順: 船張滿帆順風行駛。比喻極為順利。英with good innings; all smooth sailling; sail with the wind;
如臂使指: 比喻指揮如意,毫無牽制或障礙。例令海內之勢如身之使臂,臂之使指,莫不制從。——《漢書·賈誼傳》英direct with ease;