勵志讀書的名言警句 壯心未與年俱老
1、藝術的大道上荊棘叢生,這也是好事,常人望而卻步,只有意志堅強的人例外。雨果Boulevard art thorns, this is good, ordinary people and step back, only the strong will of the people。
2、讀書百遍義自見。裴松之Read hundreds of times and see。
3、鳥欲高飛先振翅,人求上進先讀書。李苦禪The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。
4、三人行,必有我師也。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。孔子Three people will do, will be my teacher。 Choose the good from it, the poor instead。
5、生活裡沒有書籍,就好像沒有陽光;智慧裡沒有書籍,就好像鳥兒沒有翅膀。莎士比亞There is no book in life, there is no sunlight; wisdom without books, as if the birds do not have wings。
6、學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。孔子Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous。
7、要是童年的日子能重新回來,那我一定不再浪費光陰,我要把每分每秒都用來讀書!泰戈爾If the childhood days can come back, then I will not waste time, I want to use every minute to read!
8、勞於讀書,逸於作文。程端禮Work in reading, and in writing。
9、聰明出於勤奮,天才在於積累。華羅庚Smart out of diligence, genius is the accumulation of。
10、學習有如母親一般慈愛,它用純潔和溫柔的歡樂來哺育孩子,如果向它要求額外的報酬,也許就是罪過。巴爾扎克Learning is like a mother's love, it uses pure and gentle joy to feed the child, if it is required to ask for extra compensation, perhaps is a crime。
11、沒有人會因學問而成為智者。學問或許能由勤奮得來,而機智與智慧卻有懶於天賦。約翰塞爾登No one will become a wise man by knowledge。 Knowledge may come from the hard work, and the wit and wisdom are lazy genius。
12、讀書而不思考,等於吃飯而不消化。波爾克Reading without thinking is to eat and not to digest。
13、讀一本好書,就像交了一個益友。藏克家Read a good book, just like making a good friend。
14、書痴者文必工,藝痴者技必良。蒲松齡Book chizhe paper will work, art chizhe technology will yield。
15、讀活書,活讀書,讀書活。郭沫若 read a book, live reading, reading live。
16、書到用時方恨少,事非經過不知難。陸游 the book to use the time to hate less, things are not through the hard。
17、積財千萬,無過讀書。顏之推Accumulate wealth, without reading。
18、讀書之樂何處尋,數點梅花天地心。朱熹Reading is fun, where's the heart of heaven and earth, numbered meihua。
19、自得讀書樂,不邀為善名。王永彬Great joy of reading, not to invite good name。
20、讀書是在別人思想的幫助下,建立自己的思想。魯巴金Reading is to build up your mind with the help of other people's ideas。
21、書,能保持我們的童心;書能保持我們的青春。嚴文井The book, we can keep the child; the book can keep our youth。
22、立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本歐陽修How to learn first, learn to read for the Li
23、閱讀一切好書如同和過去最傑出的人談話。笛卡兒Reading all good books is like a conversation with the finest men in the past。
24、知識,主要是靠主動抓出來的,不是靠教出來的。錢三強Knowledge, mainly rely on the initiative to catch up, not by teaching out。
25、外物之味,久則可厭,讀書之味,愈久愈深。程頤The taste of things, long may be tired, flavor reading, more deep。
26、學習外語並不難,學習外語就像交朋友一樣,朋友是越交越熟的,天天見面,朋友之間就親密無間了。高士其It is not difficult to learn a foreign language, learning a foreign language is like making friends, friends are the more pay more familiar, meet every day, between friends intimacy。
27、勸君莫將油炒菜,留與兒孫夜讀書。《增廣賢文》Don't leave the cooking oil, and all night reading。
28、讀書如吃飯,善吃飯者長精神,不善吃飯者生疾病。章學誠Reading such as eating, good for the long spirit of the meal, the food is not good for health。
29、讀書,這個我們習以為常的平凡過程,實際是人的心靈和上下古今一切民族的偉大智慧相結合的過程。高爾基Reading, this is a common process that we take for granted, the process of the combination of the human mind and the great wisdom of all the nations of the upper and the lower。
30、黑髮不知勤學早,白首方恨讀書遲。顏真卿Energy-saving, Whitehead hate reading late。
31、與有肝膽人共事,從無字句處讀書。周恩來With hepatobiliary work, reading from the book without words。
32、書籍便是這種改造靈魂的工具。人類所需要的,是富有啟發性的養料。而閱讀,則正是這種養料。雨果Books are the tools of this kind of soul。 Human needs, is enlightening nourishment。 While reading, this is。
33、欲高門第須為善;要好兒孫必讀書。《格言對聯》To be good to high birth; good sun must read。
34、書籍是青年人不可分離的生命伴侶和導師。高爾基Books are a life partner and mentor of the young。
35、常識是本能,有足夠的常識便是天才。肖伯納 common sense is a natural instinct, there is enough knowledge is genius。
36、理想的書籍,是智慧的鑰匙。列托爾斯泰Ideal books, is the key to wisdom。
37、知識分子優於文盲,如同活人優於死人。亞里士多德Intellectuals are better than illiteracy, as the living is better than dead。
38、每個有知識的人,應該在自己的一生中,好好讀上-本書。究竟該讀哪些書?若想了解這點,那至少得讀上本才行。巴比達Everyone who has knowledge, should be in their own life, read the book。 What books to read? If you want to know this, you must read at least one of the。
39、我身上所有一切優秀的品質都要歸於書籍。高爾基All of my good qualities are to be attributed to books。
40、書籍使一些人博學多識,但也使一些食而不化的人瘋瘋顛顛。彼特拉克Books make some people knowledgeable, but also make some crazy people read without understanding。
41、書籍是青年人不可分離的伴侶和導師。高爾基Books are a partner and mentor to the young。
42、才華是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石,很鋒利的刀刃,若日久不用磨,也會生鏽,成為廢物。老舍Talent is the blade, hard Whetstone, a sharp knife, without a knife grinding, will rust, become waste。
43、在學習上做一眼勤、手勤、腦勤,就可以成為有學問的人。吳晗Do a diligent, diligent, brains in learning, you can become a man of learning。
44、一本書象一艘船,帶領我們從狹隘的地方,駛向生活的無限廣闊的海洋。凱勒A book is like a boat, which leads us from a narrow place to live in a vast ocean of life。
45、生活在我們這個世界裡,不讀書就完全不可能瞭解人。高爾基To live in our world, not to read, to understand。
46、勤奮的人是時間的主人,懶惰的人是時間的奴隸。朝鮮The industrious man is the master of time, the lazy man is the slave of time。
47、讀書勿求多,歲月既積,卷帙自富。馮班For many years do not read, both product volumes, since the rich。
48、黑髮不知勤學早,白髮方悔讀書遲。顏真卿Energy-saving, white square regret later reading。
49、書籍使人變得思想奔放。革拉特珂夫Books make people become more imaginative。
50、讀書越多,精神就愈健壯而勇敢。高爾基The more you read, the more healthy you will be。
51、書籍是全世界的營養品。生活裡沒有書籍,就好像沒有陽光;知慧裡沒有書籍,就好像鳥兒沒有翅膀。莎士比亞Nutrition books in the world。 There is no book in the life, it is like no sunshine。
52、學而時習之,不亦悅乎!孔丘Learning proficiency for officialdom, everyone!
53、你想成為幸福的人嗎?但願你首先學會吃得起苦。屠格涅夫Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to eat first。
54、節飲食以養胃,多讀書以養膽。莊周Diet to stomach, read more books to keep bile。
55、讀書之法無它,惟是篤志虛心,反覆詳玩,為有功耳。朱熹There is no way to read the book, but it is an open mind, repeated in detail, for the active ear。
56、養心莫若寡慾,至樂無如讀書。戚繼光Yangxin morrow desires to music without reading。
57、喜歡讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞的辰光換成巨大享受的時刻。孟德斯鳩Like reading, is equivalent to lonely life into a great time to enjoy the moment。
58、人家不必論富貴,唯有讀書聲最佳。唐寅They don't have to be rich, but only by reading aloud。
59、真正的讀書使瞌睡者醒來,給未定目標者選擇適當的目標。正當的書籍指示人以正道,使其避免誤入歧途。卡耐基True reading makes a sleepy person awake, and chooses the appropriate target for an undetermined target。 Due to the way books instructions to avoid fall into a wrong path。
60、讀書不是為了雄辯和駁斥,也不是為了輕信和盲從,而是為了思考和權衡。培根Read not to eloquent and refute, nor to believe and follow blindly, but to consider。
61、讀書之於精神,恰如運動之於身體。愛迪生Reading is to the mind, while exercise is to the body。
62、為中華之崛起而讀書。周恩來Reading for the rise of china。
63、從來沒有人為了讀書而讀書,只有在書中讀自己,在書中發現自己,或檢查自己。羅曼?羅蘭No one has ever read a book, but read in books, find themselves in books, or check themselves。
64、閱讀使人充實;會談使人敏捷;寫作與筆記使人精確。史鑑使人明智;詩歌使人巧慧;數學使人精細;博物使人深沉;倫理使人莊重;邏輯與修辭使人善辯。培根Reading makes a full man; conference makes a person quick; writing and taking notes is accurate。 Histories make men wise; poetry people Qiao Hui; mathematics can fine; museum, deep; moralgrave; logic and rhetoric to able to contend。
65、讀一本好書,就是和許多高尚的人談話。笛卡爾Reading a good book is a conversation with a lot of good people。
66、讀書既未成名,究竟人高品雅(next88)。修德不期獲報,自然夢穩心安。《格言聯壁》Read neither fame, what people Pinya。 Repair period de was reported, the natural dream of stable peace。
67、應當用深刻的知識的火炬來照耀勞動,應該對勞動加以思索,而提到最高的程度。克魯普斯卡婭 should use a deep knowledge of the torch to shine on the labor, should be thinking about the labor, and the highest degree of。
68、博觀而約取,厚積而薄發。蘇軾Bo concept and about taking, thick and thin hair。
69、讀書要玩味。程顥Reading to ponder。
70、誰都不會死讀一本書。每個人都從書中研究自已,要不是發現自己就是控制自己。羅曼羅蘭No one will die reading a book。 Everyone from the book to study their own, not to find themselves to control their own。
71、只要還有什麼東西不知道,就永遠應當學習。小塞涅卡As long as there is something you don't know, you should always learn。
72、讀書而不能運用,則所讀的書等於廢紙。華盛頓Reading and not using, the book is equal to waste paper。
73、讀書無疑者,須教有疑,有疑者,卻要無疑,到這裡方是長進。朱熹Reading is, must be taught to question, there is doubt, but undoubtedly, is here to progress。
74、學習中經常取得成功可能會導致更大的學習興趣,並改善學生作為學習的自我概念。布魯姆Success in learning often leads to greater learning interest, and to improve students as a learning concept。
75、立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。歐陽修How to learn first, learn to read for the li。
76、讀書無嗜好,就能盡其多。不先泛覽群書,則會無所適從或失之偏好,廣然後深,博然後專。魯迅Reading without hobbies, can do their best。 Don't you pan reading books, will not know what course to take or loss of preference, wide and deep, and then designed bo。
77、立志宜思真品格,讀書須盡苦功夫。阮元Determined to think the true character, reading to do hard work。
78、或作或輟,一曝十寒,則雖讀書百年,吾未見其可也。吳夢祥Or or even stop, play fast and loose, read a hundred years, I have not seen it too。
79、學習,學習,再學習!學,然後知不足。列寧Learning, learning, and learning! Learn, and then know the problem。
80、生活裡沒有書籍,就好象沒有陽光,智慧裡沒有書籍,就好象鳥兒沒有翅膀。莎士比亞Life without books, as if there is no sun, the wisdom of the book, as if the birds do not have wings。