注音 ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄨㄤˇ ㄓ ㄌㄞˊ
拼音 jiàn wǎng zhī lái
⒈ 觀察往昔,可預知將來。
英foresee the future by reivewing the past; In examining the past,we shall be able to know the future;
高瞻遠矚: 瞻:遠望。矚:注視。看得高遠。形容目光遠大。例對於那些不能高瞻遠矚、展望將來、壯大新生事物聲勢的藝術作品,免不了要陷於平凡以至庸俗的境地。英look far ahead and aim high; be farsighted;
數往知來: 追溯過去,可以預測未來。英deduce what likely to happen in the future by reviewing what has taken place in the past; know the future by thinking of the past;