
注音 ㄐ一ˋ 一ˋ 一ㄡˊ ㄒ一ㄣ

拼音 jì yì yóu xīn




⒈  某事留在腦海中的印象很深刻,現在還記得清清楚楚,猶如剛發生的一樣。

remain fresh in one’s memory; be still green in one's consciousness; remember vividly;

歷歷在目:  清楚地顯示在眼前。例歷歷在目,疑其類墟墓間事,不祥也。——宋·洪邁《夷堅志》英come clearly into view; leap before the eyes; be still alive in one's memory;


時過境遷:  境:環境,境遇。遷:改變。時間推移,境況隨之發生變化。英circumstances change with the passage of time;

念茲在茲:  《書·大禹謨》:“帝念哉!念茲在茲,釋茲在茲。名言茲在茲,允出茲在茲,惟帝念功。”孔傳:“茲,此;釋,廢也。念茲人,在此功;廢茲人,在此罪。言不可誣。”後謂念念不忘於某一事情。

事過境遷:  事情已經過去,事情發生的環境也改變了。英the affair is over and the situation has changed; the events have passed and the times have changed;

言猶在耳:  話音彷彿還在耳邊迴響。喻指對所說的話印象深刻。亦指別人的話剛說不久。英the words are still ringing in one’s ears; ring in one's heart;

耿耿於懷:  對所經歷的事持有看法,不能忘卻,牽掛心懷。例對開玩笑的話耿耿於懷。這個性格堅強的青年人,正值創造事業的黃金時代,對事業的得失成敗總是耿耿於懷。英take sth. to heart; brood on sth.;

念念不忘:  常常思念,經常提起。英bear in mind constantly; have(take) sth. on the brain; never forget for a momert;