注音 一ㄢˊ ㄦˊ 一ㄡˇ ㄒ一ㄣˋ
拼音 yán ér yǒu xìn
▸ 信誓旦旦 ▸ 一諾千金 ▸ 一言為定 ▸ 言出必行 ▸ 言行一致 ▸ 說一不二
⒈ 說話守信用。
信誓旦旦: 謂誓言誠懇可信。旦旦,誠懇的樣子。
一諾千金: 一句諾言值千金。形容說話極有信用。英promise that will be kept; be sure to keep one's promise;
一言為定: 一句話說定,不再更改或反悔。例姐姐說的有理,就是這等一言為定,不可再改。——清·文康《兒女英雄傳》英that's settled then; once sth.is said,it must be kept;
言行一致: 同“言行若一”例以及目標‘言行一致’的美德推測起來,這也正像他的話。——魯迅《且介亭雜文二集》英act as one speaks; as good as one's words; match words with deeds; suit one's action to one's words;
說一不二: 說話守信用,說話算數。例警衛中知道總司令是說一不二的。——《草地晚餐》英overpowering; mean what one says; one's word would be law; stand by one's word;