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拼音 mán tiān guò hǎi
▸ 瞞上欺下 ▸ 掩人耳目 ▸ 彌天大謊 ▸ 謾天昧地 ▸ 金蟬脫殼
⒈ 比喻採取欺騙手段,暗中進行活動。
英cross the sea under camouflage; deceive as one who cheats boldly and cleverly; very clear and daring in deceiving others;
瞞上欺下: 瞞哄上級,欺壓下屬和人民。英deceive those over and bully those below;
掩人耳目: 掩:遮蓋。堵住人的耳朵,遮住人的眼睛。比喻以假象來矇蔽別人。例那兩個和尚,卻不都燒死?又好掩人耳目。——《西遊記》英deceive the public; hood wink people;
彌天大謊: 徹頭徹尾的謊言。例打油詩人編造的彌天大謊。英outright lie; big lie; lie in one's teeth; sheer tall tale;
謾天昧地: 謂無限制地隱瞞一切真實情況欺騙人。
金蟬脫殼: 比喻巧妙地脫身逃遁,使對方不能及時發覺。例只要做得沒個痕跡,如金蟬脫殼方妙。——《拍案驚奇》英disappearance act from an entangled situation;